golden tree representing the abundant life

Transcending the Obstacles to the Abundant Life

jar with fruits and flowers representing abundance

In this post I am writing about the obstacles- existing in our own minds- to the manifestation of the «abundant life» in our individual lives and in the collective. This subject is also included in the qualities of the 7th ray of Freedom.

The Obstacles Inside and the Obstacles Outside

The Masters teach us, and I have been writing about it in several posts, mainly the ones about «vision» in the several articles about the «rays», that «creation»- and «co-creation»- begin with vision, it means, with an act of consciousness that is projected in the matter world.

But, many times, it is not easy to «visualize» something because we have stored in our levels of the mind- emotional, mental, identity and even physical- contradictory images, beliefs, etc., that interfere with the visualization process.

Some of these processes can be subconscious or even unconscious making us «want» something in the conscious mind and, at the subconscious or unconscious, we want the opposite.

This can happen for instance when we desire a life of abundance at the conscious level but, at the unconscious, we feel that we don’t deserve that abundance, therefore, we can never manifest it in our lives at the physical level.

We can also find obstacles to the «abundant life» we desire when what we desire can only be obtained at the cost of the abundance in the lives of other people. In His book The Mystical Initiations of Freedom [1] Master St Germain gives us an example: the ancient pharaohs, to build their megalomaniacal pyramids, had to sacrifice the well-being and rights of many thousands of human beings, working as slaves so that their wish could happen.

This is not in accordance with the laws of Creation that recognize equal rights to all human beings, so that «vision» was an imperfect vision, and could only come true by force, therefore entailing strong karmic consequences.

We must, therefore, assure the respect of laws of co-creation- because it is as co-creators that we can use visualization to consciously  co-create something- we must act within those laws, when we desire and visualize something to manifest in our lives.

The Masters have explained to us this process- we are not «creators», that is, we don’t create the laws of the world we live in, these laws were created by beings in a much higher level of consciousness than us; we are co-creators, meaning, the creators of this world left it «unfinished» so that we could also co-create in it, according to the laws of the Creator and our own desires.

Is it still possible to «co-create» out of the laws established by the Creator? We can see, around us, in the many disturbances and imbalance we experience on Earth that it is possible- for a time- to co-create out of God’s laws, but we will experiment later the consequences- karmic consequences – of this.

The Obstacles Inside to Co-Creation

The obstacles in our consciousness to co-creation are of two types: the ones relating to the negative feelings about  us ‘deserving’ or not deserving the abundant life; the ones of not considering other people’s rights to abundance because we «want to have more» than others.

In the obstacles of the first type we have all selves created in many lives, that believe in the image, projected by the fallen beings, since a long time ago, through religion, that we are «sinners», or that we did, in the past, some terrible things that can never be erased or overcome, as it is a ‘stain’ that will always exist in our soul.

These obstacles are very difficult to face because people usually don’t want to see them because of the discomfort it causes, and this is the main problem: what we don’t see can’t be surpassed. So, the first thing we need to do, in this situation, is to be aware that there is nothing we can’t transcend in our minds, because we are on Earth to learn and to transcend ourselves because of that process of learning.

The next step up is that there are no actions performed in this world whose effects cannot be overcome because nothing has absolute value on Earth.

And, in the third step, we use our will and power of decision to face the condition we fear- be it the belief of being a sinner or something else and face the self that keeps this decision of not deserving, as being unreal and let it die, recognizing that «I am not this self».

This of course, is not done in one night, but if we use the will that every self-aware being is endowed with, and the determination to change the mind in order to let the abundance provided by  the Creator for every and all human beings, it can be done.

We do it step by step, until the former self, that created   image of scarcity or poverty or the feeling of lack is gone and replaced by the self that knows the Creator doesn’t punish any one and gives abundance to all, not just to a few, our spiritual self.

Many people on Earth are in the first case of nor experimenting «abundance» in life  because, at inner levels, they don’t see themselves as deserving that abundance.

So, a good clean up of all the selves created by this illusion will do the work and help bringing better conditions on life, both in the physical and mental levels.

The second type of inner obstacles to real abundance in life are the ones related to people in the lower levels of consciousness and with a selfish mindset. These are the ones who think that they are better or, for some reason, they see themselves as entitled to  «have more and want more than others.

For these, karma will usually take the guidance of the process because they think they can, by force, (using the psychic energy available on earth and through manipulation), bring what they want in this life, at the cost of others losing and have less, but they will pay for it in the future.

According to the Masters, in a future lifetime, they will experiment the opposite state they create now by force, as an opportunity to learn and change their minds.

The Abundant Life is a Natural Law and Gift to All

The creators of this world created a world where, originally, all billions of human beings could have a balanced abundant life. What created the imbalance was the divided mind, the separate mind that began to see itself as separated from other parts of life.

With the divided mind came the individualistic and selfish approach of «me first» and if, necessary, «me against all others» and the mindset that it is ok to want to have more and do whatever we want to conquer it, by force.

So, if we want a better world to live, we need to transcend the mindset of the «me first» and understand that we all are part of the whole of life and we can create a better world for all, if we can see each other with the mindset of the shared essential humanity, like Master Jesus preached, when He walked on Earth:

«Do unto others what you want them to do to you».

This is a simple maxim but, until today, we failed to put it into practice because, in the separate mind, we focus only on ourselves and not in our shared humanity, on others, that are human like us and entitled to the same rights and the abundant life we desire for us.

The divided mind thinks that, in order for some to have more, others must have less but this is an illusion and it is not supported by the laws of life. We can all have an abundant life without taking anything from others.

Because, like the Masters have been teaching us, it is us, as creators, that co-create our circumstances of life: if we co-create using only the energy available on Earth- psychic manipulative energy- we can only co-create something that seems like abundance but is just a trap.

But when we co-create using the spiritual light brought to the world of form through our I am Presence, the spiritual light will bring more abundance for all because this is the original creative light and is the only light that creates abundance in a permanent process.

What we «co-create» using force will be taken away sooner or later. But co-creation through the spiritual light will be conquered to remain because only the spiritual light can become permanent.

[1] Dictated through the Messenger Kim Michaels

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