purple spiritual light

Human Consciousness and Spiritual Consciousness

human consciousness

In this post I am writing about the difference between Human consciousness and spiritual consciousness and why there is no Freedom nor creativity in human consciousness. Creativity is a quality of the 1st ray.

There is no Continuity from Human Consciousness and Spiritual Consciousness

For thousands of years, mystics and spiritual seekers followed a spiritual path believing that, if they obeyed a certain set of rules or commandments, they would perfect their soul, or their egos, until they could become enlightened or attain the final stage of spirit, elevating themselves to a higher plan then the humankind at large.

But, as the Masters teach us, this is a big illusion. Master Jesus told us, when He walked on Earth, 2000 years ago: «only the one that came from heaven can return to heaven». Therefore, the «ego» born and developed on Earth, cannot ascend from Earth, no matter how much it has been “perfected» (according to the rules and moral or religious standards of Earth).

What was born in the world of form is mortal and temporary and cannot change its nature to immortality. There is no continuity between the spiritual level of consciousness and the human level of consciousness, when we are on Earth.

Human beings can become and are- in their core- spiritual beings, but, as long as they identify themselves with the identity created on Earth, they are mortal beings.

Every human being has a spiritual spark, that it is the spiritual extension of The I am Presence or the alpha aspect of their divine individuality- the conscious you, as the Masters have called it because it is self-awareness- not the self-awareness of the external identity connected to the physical body, but the spiritual identity that is immortal and can’t be changed by anything on Earth.

So, we may say that we, human beings, can live our lives either as spiritual beings, striving to experience ourselves and our creative abilities through the spiritual consciousness, given to us by our Creator- and this is the real free consciousness in us.

Or, we can identity ourselves with the background of life on Earth, our genetics, our brain programming, social and cultural background, etc.- and, in this case, we are not really capable of creating anything because, as Master More tells us, we are not free in our minds:«(…) Ego may have freedom to act any way it wants but it does not have freedom of mind»[1]

The Human Identity can’t be Free

The reason why we are not free in our minds is because human beings have interiorised a set of rules and definitions corresponding to the patterns accepted on Earth for what is real and what is not real, what can and cannot be done, and those patterns define what they can do, conforming to them. They are a prison in the mind.

The definitions and patterns accepted on Earth exist in every area of human life: all aspects of human life  are coded in what social sciences define as social roles , we play the role associated with every function  in society to be recognized as a «good citizen, good parent, good person, good professional» , etc., and we must play the role in accordance with the established script.

If we don’t obey the script (that everybody learns since childhood in a given society) we can’t get the reward of beings accepted or rewarded by society and its authorities.  Obedience to sociocultural patterns gives high status; disobedience gives marginality or exclusion.

Human beings are formatted since childhood to obey and to conform, not to diverge and be different.  That’s why it becomes necessary the self-mastery path, to separate from the mass consciousness and develop an individual self, until the 96th level of consciousness.

The Ego or mortal identity can’t be free either, because its concept of reality only accepts matter as real. So, the ego conforms to matter and believes that it has no power to change matter. And it is right, it does not!

The Spiritual Identity is the Only one that Is Free

Our spiritual identity wasn’t born on Earth, it descended from the spiritual realm to the world of form to learn and be creative, transcending itself continually.

The spiritual identity- the Conscious you, as the Masters have called it- is the only one that is free and creative because it cannot be limited by the rules established on Earth, unless it chooses to do so.

The reason the ego is not free is because, by conforming to matter and believing that it cannot change it, it cannot truly create anything. We are what we see ourselves being: if we accept that form can’t be changed, we are, from the outset, accepting that we are limited by matter and must conform to it, without being able to change it.

And it is true that forms are confined by a certain matrix and that the outer self, the ego, cannot change this matrix. And as long as we identify with this outer self, we cannot create or alter anything in the material world.

We are subdued by this external world because we see ourselves as beings believing they are powerless to change the world around them

However, as spiritual beings, we were created to exercise dominion over the world of form. We were created to co-create within this world of form, learn from what we create by increasing our awareness and, from there, transcend the created forms, creating something better.

As spiritual beings, therefore, we can change the form of the material world and decide to create something different because the purpose of having descended into the material world is precisely to increase our self-awareness, by continually transcending ourselves.

This is also the very purpose of life: transcendence to newly created forms that allow growth in self-awareness. Life is creative, not conformity to rules and patters already defined and settled.

We grow by transcending the form that already exists, not conforming to that form as if it was absolute or definitive.

Laws of Nature Don’t Deny Freedom

Some could say « how can it be freedom if we must obey the laws of Nature? » We can be free, despite there being laws of nature, because these laws do not define the world as something static and fixed but leave room for the creativity of human beings.

If there was no scope to co-create in the world of form, it would not be possible to modify the planet we live on until it reached the state of climatic and environmental imbalance that we observe today, which makes life much more difficult for those who live here.

Human consciousness can even take this freedom of action to the extreme of causing the destruction of the planet.

But we can also, based on our identity as spiritual beings, crate through the spiritual consciousness and  harmonize our consciousness with the laws of nature and harmoniously co-create a planet where life  is good to be  lived.

The difference is that when we create in harmony with spirit, we can create something that is good for everyone. This is the challenge we face: to be what we truly are in spiritual identity, creating through the spiritual consciousness or just stay in human consciousness and deny that identity and our creative freedom.

[1] Master More, The Mystic Initiations of Power, book dictated through the messenger Kim Michaels

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