A pink lotus flower with green leaves in the background

A Bit of Our Story

A pink lotus flower with green leaves in the background

This article describes our project and our main objectives in creating this site.

6 years ago, I found the teachings of the Spiritual Masters of Mankind, through Kim  Michaels’s sites, the actual  messenger for the Masters, since the beginning of this XXI century (you can find a list with  the addresses of these sites at the bottom of this page).

In those sites I found the books dictated by the Masters, that provide a plan with a method designed by the Masters, that allow the gradual spiritual development for those who want to follow it, to reach a higher level  of consciousness. In this Internet era, this is the easiest way for those who are ready, to encounter the Masters, following the intemporal rule «when the disciple is ready, the Master must appear».

For those who wonder about who I am, the posts I am going to publish on this site will answer better than I could do in this brief presentation. But, for the ones who need a bit more of initial information, I say that I am a spiritual being, like all of you, my outer personality lives a life similar to the life of most people, working every day to sustain my life in this world.

I have a cherished pet, a grey parrot female with more than 40 years and some health issues, I teach Philosophy and Psychology  and face the general  challenges of the  most , in my everyday life in a western society.

Why create this site?

Because this is an Era where mystics don’t close themselves to the world, in a secluded life.  We are entering the Aquarian Era and, like the Masters have been telling us, in this era, we have to open ourselves to life in a community, sharing our experiences and collaborating with one another.

It is expected that now, we live our normal lives in the community, and discover that all that we do, even in our work and profession, can also be «spiritual», spiritual life and everyday life are not  really separated.

Moreover, I have another important «reason» to create this site: I was, a long time ago, one of the «fallen ones», having fallen from the 6th sphere. So, I am familiar with all lower levels of consciousness possible on earth. I went to the bottom of it, although it was a long time ago.

What moved me to turn around in that «path of death»? It was the unbearable feeling of living in the absolute darkness void of Love.

What I missed then, wasn’t exactly the «human love» but the Unconditional, Divine Love that I felt and had in my life before I fell.  Because I experienced Divine Unconditional Love before falling, there was always a part of my being that never identified with the separate self.

I never lost completely the consciousness of that hidden part of my being. When I finally couldn’t stand anymore  the void of darkness, I turned around, asked and received help to return to life.

By sharing my example, I want to demonstrate that there are no excluded beings from Divine Love. The self that was created   in the fall felt excluded but this is an inflicted self -illusion with no reality whatsoever.

I want to make clear that the spiritual Path is not just for some, that would be chosen, while the others would be condemned and punished. The spiritual path is not about following some rituals or external commandments but a process of transforming our consciousness  and let go all the illusions until we can see our true identity.

Finally, an important reason to create this site is that it is a significant part of my divine Plan. Why? Because it is a practical and comprehensive way to pass the message, in these days of global connection through the Internet.

I also want to give example of how we can live as spiritual beings on earth, despite of knowing that this is a very dense and unfriendly planet.

However, even in this «dark planet» we can   experiment with life,  open ourselves to what the Masters call the «abundant life» instead of struggling in  lack and poverty ;  we can give to life, instead of  merely  close  ourselves from the outside world with no hope.

Finally, I want to be one with the vision of Master St. Germain for the «Golden Age» where Earth will be a Natural Planet again, where human beings know that they are spiritual beings, they know that they can co-create a better world to live  their lives.

I create this site with the love for life coming from my I Am Presence. My hope is that you can feel that Love too, in union with the Flame of Peace.

Sites of the Messenger Kim Michaels where you can find the Teachings and the books dictated by the Masters:






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