Flor de lotus

The Interactions of the 144th Levels of Consciousness-2

In this post I am continuing to write about the interaction between the levels of consciousness possible on Earth and, more specifically, I will address the «mirror effect» between the   96th/144th levels and the 48th / 1st level. I  start by quoting the Maha Chohan in his book [1]:«(…) in a sense, there is a…

spiritual meditation with chakras

The Interaction of 144 Levels of Consciousness- 1

In this post I am going to write about the interaction between the 144 levels of consciousness, part 1. In the ideal growth of the spiritual path, we grow from the 48th level to the 96th and, at this level, we face an important initiation, the 2nd challenge of Christ. If we pass, we will…