
Freedom, Divine Love and Fallen Consciousness

Why Human Beings Were Created Free

In this article I’m going to write about Freedom and how it relates with the  Fallen Consciousness. I will also clarify the connection between Freedom and Divine Love.

In the teachings of the masters we can find many references to “fallen beings” and the context of their existence. I therefore refer to those books (you can visit Kim Michaels’ sites, that I referred previously or to some of the answers given by the masters[1] to explore this.

In this article I’m going to focus on consciousness itself and what causes the “fall”. To begin with, the most obvious factor we can point to is freedom: freedom is only possible when we have more than one option in every potential choice we can make.

And here, some might ask, like many of the “fallen beings” themselves, and philosophers, etc.: if freedom can facilitate the “fall”, why did the creator give us Freedom?

I’m not going to analyse philosophical arguments that don’t belong here. But I can state the obvious: a being that can’t choose or decide for itself can’t “experiment”, so he can’t «fall»,  but also can’t learn either, it can only  behave according to a program already established before  his existence. We would just be programmed like robots processing data  at every single moment, living lives that could never truly be created by us, like manageable toys with meaningless and  sterile lives: We could even «learn» like the modern «machine learning» bots do, but we would not have any identity or sense of being individuals.

So, we could only serve the purpose of the creator and would not have any individualized sense of purpose in our «lives». And this would be a very poor work for such a creator!

But there is another consequence of a world where beings would not be allowed to «make mistakes» because they could not really choose other option: in such a world  without Freedom, there couldn’t  be Unconditional Love  either, as a truly living experience – a creator that creates beings without free will, is not creating from Love and this would be a very dark place to live.

Let me develop a bit more:  a being who cannot “disobey” his creator is not really aware of himself as being more than a machine and is unable to experience Love as a total gift of self, which is unconditional and totally selfless.

He could never aspire to be more and would not really have consciousness of himself, behaving like a computer with no real life.

Moreover, a being who “creates” by imposing his rules on his creatures is not capable of experiencing Unconditional Divine Love and gives nothing of himself to his creatures. It doesn’t create out of love, but out of vanity or pride, to show off “what is capable of”, making of creation an act of power to display its strength.

But true Creation is an act of Love. Creating is an act of giving of the creator’s being, it is an absolute exposure of the being who creates, in the desire that the «created» can be truly “other”, and not a mere instrument or «tool» to give the Creator an «audience» or to serve the creator.

When creates, the Creator places himself in the vulnerability of giving himself totally, in ignorance of what the created beings will do with his gift, letting them choose what they will do with the part of his being that is given, and makes them at his own image, that is, gives them the opportunity to become like himself and  can also create and grow.

What Made the First Beings Fall

Although Freedom is not the total absence of rules, the rules that the Creator set for his creation have a large margin to choose whatever we want to do with the gift of life, although not forever.

But, if we think that there are some beings that fell in the fourth sphere (and after that in the fifth, and the sixth and finally the seventh where we live) we can see that God gives the opportunity to his created beings to choose against the purpose of Creation for a very long time, unimaginable for most of us.

This said, we can begin  to accept that the  fallen consciousness is possible because the Creator creates all beings as free beings and that, because of this, they can choose to go against the Creator’s desired path for them.

There are many descriptions of how beings fell for the first time, as happens in Master Maitreya’s book[2]. It can be said that this happened because some beings, who were quite spiritually developed, looked at themselves – at the self that they had created and helped them to achieve their growth – and thought that  they were really «superior beings» and deserved to get some special status from the Creator.

Note that, despite of the attainment they had achieved, these beings had not yet ascended. But, compared to others on the planet where they lived, they saw that they were much more advanced than them and considered that they “deserved” to be treated differently.

They could not accept that we are all equal in the eyes of the Creator, because all beings came from the Creator and none is superior to other, no matter the attainment he or she have accomplished.

So, when the “Sphere” in which they lived was about to ascend, they were confronted by the Masters and those who didn’t want the help  of the masters, to return to the path of oneness, and eventually ascend, “fell” into the  next sphere that was being created.

They fell out of pride, out of the vanity of the self that took them to that point of attainment but had not transcend all the illusions connected to the mortal self.  That self was not the «pure awareness» of the I Am Presence», their true identity.

They have failed in what Master Jesus refers to when he says that «we must accept to die for the Love of Him» (Christ) in order to enter the spiritual kingdom. And what must die is that self which appears to be “superior” but was born out of the world of form and so, cannot ascend.

Now, what happened to these first beings who fell was that they were on a high level, when they fell but, having not ascended, they allowed themselves to be blinded by the vanity and attachment for what they had achieved. They were not, therefore, beings at the most basic levels of spiritual development.

And here it is necessary to emphasize that, in many cases, beings who “fall” are usually at a higher level of consciousness then most, and they had even managed to obtain some “Light” from the Presence.

And they fall because they cling to the self that has led them to this point, from the moment they began to disidentify from the collective consciousness and begin to develop an individual self. This self internalizes the knowledge of the higher levels of spirituality and seeks to elevate itself to the category of immortal being. But this is an impossible quest because, like Master Jesus say, «only the man that came from above, can return to heaven». The this is the «conscious you», the pure awareness of the divine Presence, not the self-created and developed on earth.

When the “Conscious you” doesn’t assume its commanding role, overcoming the illusion of this self, and fails the initiation of the 2nd challenge of Christ, letting this self to take over and identify with it, the spiritual growth stops.

Christ’s 2nd challenge is described as Peter’s conscience denying Christ, preferring to maintain the mortal self, although “educated” by the teachings and clinging to the illusion of being the divine self. I will talk about this challenge in another post.

The Connection Between Freedom and Unconditional Love

I want to clarify another important thing: there is an inseparable connection between freedom and unconditional love. And is important to recognize this to understand what this article talks about.

The masters show us the difference between «human love» that is an emotion, most of the times ending in controlling games between the involved people and «divine Love» that is Unconditional and his the love that God and spiritual beings feel.

Unconditional Love only can exist if simultaneously there is Freedom. Why?

Because only Freedom allows love to be offered as a gift to all , without setting previous conditions to get it and receive it.  Unconditional Love and absence of Freedom would be a contradiction and an impossibility.

[1] E.g.Ascendedmastersanswers.com

[2]  Master Keys to Spiritual Freedom, through Kim Michaels

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