From Spiritual Self to the Mortal Self – The  Immersion  Phase


In this post I am writing about how the spiritual self   gives place to the mortal self   in the immersion phase and  how some beings get stuck in the mortal identity.

The First Self Created is not a Dualistic Self

Some time ago, in a conference, Master Jesus gave some important insights about this subject. He told us that, when the conscious you descends to incarnate for the first time  a first self is created, by the Conscious you in the identity body of the new human being.

This self is created with a «world view» attached to the parameters or conditions designed by the Elohim that created Earth and has a definition of all possibilities of life on this planet and an image of «what is real» on this planet.

It also assures the integration with the physical levels of human identity (our bodies) and gives the sense of continuity in our consciousness, by creating an identity, a mortal identity, living the experiences centered in a self-conscious self that  allows us to say «I am experiencing this feeling, this sensation, etc.»

This first self is the center of our human minds and set the parameters for everything we can think- mental body; everything we can feel- emotional body; and the functions of our physical bodies. It is not a self that we can let die, like the ones that form the conglomerate of selves attached to experiences lived on earth that is called the ego.

If this first self died, we couldn’t  keep our material bodies integrated with one another. It is because of this that this is the last self to let go before ascension. This self will stay with us in all our lives in the material plane.

By creating a material identity, the conscious you accepts to act within the role of identifying temporarily with this self.  This 1st self  also works as a centralized command of the other selves, not only the ones referring to the integration with the material bodies but also created from reactions to experiences on planet earth.

And, in a natural planet, after a period (that I can’t  measure because I  have no data to do it) , the conscious you , when decides that it had enough of that role,  begins to see the illusions that  permitted to identify with the selves created in this temporary  identity and   jumps out of that 1st self, recognizing that it is more than  this mortal identity, and graduates from the material world, to begin the next phase of spiritual growth.

The  Separate Self and the Fallen Consciousness

But, on planets like Earth, that the Masters call «unnatural planets», having  entered in separation  a long time ago, a supplementary self   was created  and overlapped that very 1st self, created in the descending or immersion phase of incarnation.

And this is a  dualistic self,  because, in the separate identity, everything is dual and has an opposite.

To summarize, we can say that the self that was created in first place by the conscious you is not dualistic, it is the self, necessary to integrate the spiritual identity with the material bodies, and   creates a temporary identity to interact  with the  simulator of experiences designed by the Elohim:

to really grow, we must accept that what we are living is «real» and this self, created in the Identity body by the conscious you, guided by its I am Presence, gives that sense of «reality».

This first self is not the same for every human being but, on the contrary, is unique, because expresses the individuality of our I am presence.

But, when the first beings created a separate identity, and disconnected to their I am Presences, gradually this separate identity formed a beast and, in the collective, this beast attracts the ones who feel inclination to go further with the separate identity. And it is created a separate self, that also gives a sense of continuity, of a «center» where a separate identity builds upon in human beings. On Earth, this is what happens to most.

The Lie that Allows the Consciousness of Separation

When the conscious you decides to accept the separate identity as a real and ultimate identity, this has a consequence- it falls, and has to deal with the changes in its own consciousness. It can’t accept the responsibility for what is happening and, because of this, has to tell a lie to itself, to hide what can’t accept: that it lost the light because moved away from its source, not because was rejected by God or the masters.

This is a subtle psychological experience but largely explains why the fallen beings have such a need to become «special» in the eyes of themselves and others: what happens is that, as I wrote in another post, these beings fell when they were at an advanced stage of the path.

In the advanced stages there is the experience of a continuous flow of the energy coming from the I Am Presence. This is a very fulfilling experience, where we don’t need anything else to complete us, because we already are complete, it is an experience of love, unconditional love.

But, when the fall occurs, as a consequence of not letting go of the separate self, developed in the world of form, many times the being does not know that he fell, it simply experiences that the love is no longer present in his being  as it was used to and projects that it was God  that abandoned him for «no reason».

This creates anger and resentment against God but also the persistent feeling that there is something that «is missing».  And, having turned his back on God and the Masters, these beings project outside trying  to find it in the things and «privileges»  created in   the world of form, the fulfillment they need.

However, the «wound of feeling rejected» is there, and they hide it from themselves and everybody else, by trying to compensate for their loss: they say to themselves that they don’t need God in their lives, and decide to create an identity  to live in the world with their own rules, and «laws», and feel they are entitled to it.

This is the lie that sustains the illusion of separation and, at the same time, creates the need to feel superior, «special» and the compulsory need to compare to all other beings.

Deeply inside, it is the knowing that they suffered a loss and the anger for not having the supply of light that they had before the fall, and that makes them take by force what once was given by the spiritual realm without effort.

These beings did not «awake» from the «immersion phase», they got stuck in the lie that they created themselves and project unto God and the Masters.  All because they  wanted to  keep the temporary identity,  created  in the schoolroom of a material planet,  to experiment with Freedom, to be a definitive end in itself.

They can, like any other being, return to the path of Life but, for that, they need to see the illusion that made them rebel against God and see through  the self that is not real because didn’t come from the spiritual realm, for what it is: a temporary experience to help them grow in consciousness for a while, and nothing else.

The descent of the conscious you in the matter realm has a defined purpose of learning and experiment with life, and most particularly, with Freedom, to grow spiritually.

Earth is a «simulator» of reality and, when the conscious you incarnates, it is necessary that it accepts temporarily, for the experience, that the role it is going to perform, is «real».

And the 1st self  (not dualistic) is exactly what allows the conscious you to «believe» that everything it is experimenting in the matter realm, is real. Not forever, but in the «immersion phase», until the moment it will be ready to  gradually «awake» .

So, what the separate self does is to hide and «forget» the true identity of the conscious you. And this can be transformed into a trap, when the conscious you chooses to  identify with this self and let it rule all aspects of life, and becomes «dormant», forgetting  that it is  responsible for its won life ,  because if free.

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