
How I Began Studying With the Masters

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This post describes  how I  began  studying  with  the Masters.

This wasn’t my first encounter with spiritual matters. Some years ago, I interested myself with Theosophy and other spiritual teachings like the ones given by the Rosicrucian Order, but decided, after some time, that those were not what I was looking for.

One day, on the Internet, I found the site ascendedmastersanswers.com  and something  made me feel that those Masters that site was talking about, were real  and I decided to  explore more.

I  found the books dictated by the Masters through the messenger Kim Michaels  and decided to purchase 2 of them-  one dictated by Lord Maitreya «Master Keys to Spiritual Freedom» and «My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus». Those books had a strong effect on me, and, after reading them, I didn’t need other confirmation that those were true teachings from the spiritual Masters and decided to follow the plan designed by the Masters,   called  the «path of the seven rays».

I want to clarify, for you that are reading these lines: I don’t know the messenger Kim Michaels personally nor do I have any commission from him  for books’ purchase. I am telling you about them because they are, in my experience, the best teachings we can find to grow spiritually on earth at this point and I can tell you that, if I didn’t find these teachings, probably it would take me  several lifetimes to grow what I did grow  in these past years.

So, back then I decided to begin with the «path of seven rays» on several E-books .[1] It takes about a year to go through these seven ray’s initiations, and every book is dictated by the Choan of that ray .  At this moment I also found very beneficial to read and study the books dictated by Master Jesus.[2]

I began to participate in the annual conferences where the masters gave dictations through the messenger and also answered questions we could send  for that purpose .  My participation has been always through webinar.

After this first level of preparation, I kept studying the new books published, especially the ones for Avatars, Healing, the course given by Mother Mary on abundance, etc.  One book that offered me many great insights was «The Power of Self».

For a period of time, I kept close with Jesus’s book The Mystical Teachings of Jesus. At that time, I was trying to let go of the image of Jesus I had built in past lives that pictured Jesus as a harsh Master. I suppose that I subconsciously knew, that Master Jesus, along with Master St Germain, are my   personal teachers. We all have our personal teachers, by the way.

The study of the books complemented with the correspondent invocations is a strong and solid method to promote growth and I made a significant progress following it. At the same time, several times, when I was reading something that  provoked  some doubt or some «shock», I felt the Master that gave the dictation nearby, helping me to «see» beyond, by giving me an insight.

But every person has his own personal best way to grow, so you must follow your intuition. But be aware that sometimes what we think it’s our intuition is, in reality, a projection from the forces that don’t want you to grow. How do you recognize the difference? It will become easier with time: the projections always are based in fear and try to prevent you from «doing», and you must learn to see the difference, because intuition is always based on Love. And Love impels you to act.

When we read these books with the real intention of growing, the Masters are with us. I am going to give some samples of this. One day, I was still «new bee» in this study, I was reading a dictation from Master Paul the Venetian, where he was talking about how the I Am Presence sent an extension of itself to the mater realm – the «conscious you»- and how the Presence learn through the experiences of the conscious You. And  I thought « this is outrageous, in order for the Presence  to learn, the conscious you is a slave ,it  is being ‘used’ by the Presence!». And at that moment, I felt a small voice inside telling me« The conscious you is also free» and this statement shocked me but suddenly I understood thar there was more to learn about this then I first thought.

And there was, indeed. Years later,  after feeling the invitation from Master Jesus, to read the Book «Don’t Drink your own Kool- Aid» I had another shocking experience about this, when I felt suddenly that the conscious you is the I am Presence, in fact, is the Omega Aspect of the Presence or the localised conscience of the Presence, there is no separation and never was, just a difference of perspective: the I am Presence is the Alfa aspect, focused on the «All» and both are one.

In another occasion, I was reading  one invocation with the quotation of the famous phrase of  Shakespear’s Play ( written by the actual Master St Germain) Hamlet «to be or not to be», and was trying to grasp the meaning beyond the words when I felt like a ray of light in my mind telling me the true meaning of that: those words refer to the sterile processes of the linear mind that functions using opposites, the binary logic,  and never come to a real conclusion or truth because it works only in the parameters of the linear and dualistic mind of the mortal self that can’t see any other option and  thinks that «if one is true, the other must be false».

This is already a long post, I will talk more about in another post. I  Leave now, hoping that  my experiences can help you to find  your own personal path.

[1] These books are: The Mystical Initiations of Power; the mystic initiations of wisdom; the Mystic initiations of Love; the Mystic initiations of Intention; the Mystical Initiations of Vision; the Mystical Initiations of Peace; the Mystical Initiations of Freedom

[2] The Mystical Teachings of Jesus; Freedom from Ego Dramas, Freedom from Ego Illusions, Freedom from Ego Games

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