Human Interactions, a Challenge for the Golden Age

Hearts togetther

In this post I am going to write about the challenge that  human interactions pose to the golden age. In a recent post I wrote about the reasons to accept that the Golden Age is beginning now.

The Mental Comparisons between one another are the Biggest Culprit

One of the biggest challenges in human interactions are the «comparison scores» : in the western societies, where people is educated  to compete with one another, we feel the pressure to «prove that we are better» or, at least, we are as good as anyone else.

To show otherwise is felt like a deep humiliation and generates feelings of resentment, envy, desire to challenge the ones who make us feel this way until we prove that «they are wrong» and that we are, in fact, as good or better than them. To be «as good as them» is acceptable, to be seen as «inferior» to them, is an unbearable humiliation.

The Separate mind is the Origin of the Comparison Mentality

When we ask ourselves where this mentality comes from, that constantly compares us with others, in the desire to stand out and not be “below them”, we see that the answer is one: whether in the collective consciousness or in the individual mind, it is the matrix created by the separate mind,  originally created by beings who developed the illusion of separation, the «fallen beings.

The separate mind that created the ego as an alternative identity to the spiritual identity, knows that ego’s identity  is  fragile (as it has not descended from the spiritual world, but is born from the material world) and, therefore, needs to continually prove its “right to exist.”

And, seeing itself in a world where it must fight to get what it wants, it accepts  the principle that “there are no free lunches” and, therefore, perceives life as a continuous “battlefield” where something can only be achieved through the struggle and victory of some, against the defeat of others: for some to have, others have to be left with nothing.

This mentality never allows true cooperation with others, and even in apparent tactical collaboration, there is always this subliminal awareness that “the other can deceive me” or that “I can deceive the other” to obtain advantages that only one side can achieve.

It is therefore quite obvious that as long as this “matrix of comparison” separates people in terms of “I can’t have less than them, I’m entitled to have more than them» , there will be no true peace and collaboration in human interactions as there will continually be this matrix of comparison that ends up in the desire to obtain something by force, generating the feeling that, «if the other has more than me», it is legitimate to take from him so that I can have more».

True Cooperation is Only Possible In the One Mind

As long as this standard of comparison exists between human beings, as we described, humanity will continue to fight among itself, competing for resources that it considers are not enough for everyone.

This mentality does not truly seek that “everyone has the same”, because it is based on a relationship of power and strength: I can only be aware of “having more” if others have less than me.

And as long as this matrix of desire for superiority remains in the collective consciousness, human beings will continue to fight among themselves for the possession of what they desire and for the reinforcement that this possession gives to the mortal ego, that it “deserves to exist”.

Therefore, to make true cooperation possible among people, it is necessary to do more than externally change laws and regulations, it is necessary to transform consciousness, individually and collectively.

Instead of looking at others as being in competition with us, we must learn to see them as part of the same Essential Humanity of which we are a part; we need to open ourselves to the one mind in each of us that does not focus on the differences that separate us but on the unity we all share, a unity stronger than external differences, because it is the spiritual unity from which we all arise.

The mentality of the Golden Age of Master St. Germain

Right now, there are enough human beings on Earth to manifest this new mentality of cooperation and mutual help, that is not focused on wanting to be “more” in relation to the other or “have more” than the other.

It focuses on creating a community capable of manifesting spiritual unity on the physical plane, so that everyone can have a better life.

This is a community that does not separate daily life, carrying out the tasks of taking care of a family, having a job, etc., with spiritual life, growing and developing a spiritual identity while we are incarnated on planet Earth.

This is the first stage of the Golden Age.

May all who wish to participate in the beginning of this new era, seize the opportunity that begins now.

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