Human identity

Interaction Between The Four Levels of Human Identity


We continue, in this post, writing about the human identity, addressing the four levels of the  material human beings, fin accordance with  the Ascended Masters Teachings.

The Masters teach us that the human dimension of  our beings has 4 levels: one Identity level- that is the part of our energy field with higher vibration; the mental level, that has  the brain as the densest part of this level; the emotional level; and the physical body.

With our senses we can usually  only see and feel our physical body but this  body is also a part of our energy field, and is not separate from the non-visible parts .

To understand the morphology of our human identity we must understand how this 4 levels integrate with one another and interact in our normal everyday life.

And, at this point, we also need to understand that these 4 levels of our beings are not disconnected from our spiritual beings, that the masters call «the conscious you». In fact, like we wrote in another post, originally, is the conscious you that creates  the first self that originates the process of building the first 3 material bodies.

And like Elohim Cyclopea told us, due to the very dense matter of the physical body, this is genetically build from the genotype  transmitted by the parents through the hereditary process, although there is also an «image» generated in the identity body, and it is possible, when the material bodies are «clean» of all the burden of the separate mind, to regenerate the physical body to this concept, like also Mo. Mary also told us recently in a conference.

When the conscious you descends, to integrate with a physical body, it accepts simultaneously several levels of «illusions»  but these are not lies, and are  necessary to incarnate a certain role,  to perform  the predefined divine plan for that life, decided and accepted by the conscious you , before the incarnation, together with its masters.

What these illusions mean is that, at each level, from the 144 to the 48th, there is an oblivion of something of its spiritual nature or, in other words, each illusion is a specific aspect of his spiritual nature that he is not able to see.

Why do this happen? Because Earth is a schoolroom for the created spiritual beings to experiment with life, with the separate mind, for testing Freedom. This is the stage in which we find our Freedom as the possibility of choosing against the One Mind and see how it would be to have a separate identity from the whole of life.

This experimentation is only possible if the being can identity with it, as if it was real. That is why he «forgets» level by level, from the top to the 48th level, who he really is.

In this stage, like the masters told us, we are guided by our personal teachers and, ideally, we would only test the illusion of a separate identity in a protected environment.

But, being the law of Freedom absolutely mandatory, the Masters must allow it always and it  is possible to experiment with the separate mind and forget that this is only an experiment, because the being turned his back to the Masters and decided not the listen to his Masters.

And many get caught in this illusion.

The immersion and Awakening  Phases

The experiment in the world of form has 2 phases- one, the immersion, where the descending conscious you forgets all aspects of its reality, corresponding to the levels from 144th  to 48th;

And the phase of awakening, where the being gets rid of all the illusions he accepted, growing from the 48th   level to the 144th  again. The difference between the first phase and the second, is that after the oblivion of his true Nature, the being regains again, level by level, the awareness of who he truly is.

And in this process, each of us , at a certain moment, identify with the collective consciousness and are influenced by the collective. In he first levels of growth , gradually   an individual identity is created  and, when  approaching  the 96th level, that individual identify  also must die, because it is mortal and born from matter- and is necessary to pass  the 2nd challenge of Christs initiation.

After the 96th level of consciousness,  corresponding to the 3rd and 4th levels of the challenge of Christ,  the spiritual identity begins to manifest again, feeling one with all life and no more a separate identity. The being is  now   the Christ in action  or the living Christ, in the words of Master Jesus.

When the beings attains these last degrees of consciousness, he also sees that he truly is not the physical body , nor the emotional body with all its reaction patterns, its stored fear energy, its thoughts of fear, that contaminated for so long,  the upper levels of his energy field.

He also recognizes that he is not his mental body with its processes of dualistic logic, dividing, discriminating, judging, its definitions and illusions of «truth»; and finally, he also knows  that he is not the identity body  connected to the physical and mortal self, ist not  even the first self that he created when descended to the world of form, neither the separate self of the separate mind, that he identified with  at a certain point, nor  its fear of death  or  compulsion to become superior to others, or  prove his merits in order to become immortal.

It is only when we are able to disidentify from all of our 4 levels of the human energetic field, that can we assume our true identity as spiritual beings incarnated in a physical body In the material world.

We Are not the Four Material Bodies

When we first have an experience of this it can be overwhelming. I can tell you about my experience when I found that I am not my emotions. I was watching a TV program where people were showing strong emotions. And, suddenly, I saw how emotions are trapping most of us to stay attached to beings,  objects and  everything that we think we can’t leave on Earth.

I said to myself: I am not these emotions.

But I was shocked because, I recognized that human beings usually define their «nature» through »emotions», we tend to believe that a person without the emotions like we know them is not really «human», emotions are what define the  human beings, associated, of course, to a pattern of «good and bad emotions, since all emotions have  an opposite.

And I concluded that this is true, and also is true that I am not a «human being» , I am a spiritual being. So, I don’t define myself through the illusions of the human reality.

But I understood that this finding is huge, most people can’t grasp and accept this. But, at the same time, I felt a tremendous relief and remembered the expression used by Master Gautama, several times commenting his own experience: «I am awake».

When I did let go this very big illusion of an identity defined by «good emotions» (defining  a «good person» or «bad person» ), that blind most of human beings, I felt myself awaken. Because, from that point, I was not seeing myself as a «human being» anymore, but rather , as a spiritual being.

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