Knowing the Seven Rays- 2nd Ray- Part 1
In this post I am going to write about the 2nd ray, the ray of wisdom, part 1.
Wisdom is Oneness With Christ Mind
The first thing we must clarify is that wisdom is not intellectual knowledge, wisdom is oneness with the Christ mind.
We can say that we reach the highest potential of the 2nd ray when we recognize the illusions of the separate mind and open ourselves to the one mind .
What this means is that we do not achieve wisdom by using the analytical mind to accumulate information through this mind, whether about worldly phenomena or about ourselves, we achieve wisdom solely and exclusively through the experience of the Christ mind.
Like Master Lanto, the Chohan of the 2nd ray says, «the Christ mind is the natural state of mind in all spiritual beings».
I already described the experience of the Christ mind and how it contrasts with the linear mind. If you are not familiar with these concepts, you can follow the links to the articles where we clarify each of them, to better understand what we are talking about in this article.
Let’s quote Master Lanto’s words in his book The Mystic Initiations of Wisdom [1]: «do you think that we, that are the spiritual teachers of humankind, sit there and pour worldly wisdom upon our students so they become wiser and wiser in the worldly sense? »
And the answer is a clear «no». To attain wisdom, we must remain conscious that wisdom can only be attained through the insights of the experience of the Christ mind, and has nothing to do with intellectual knowledge, that collects information at a distance, using the analytical linear mind.
The knowledge obtained through the analytical mind is worldly knowledge, based on the observation and judgments of the separate mind, the material identity.
It is based on the subject/object distance, in which the consciousness that analyzes, compares, judges, defines, sees itself as separate from the known object.
And, since «separation» is not real, is based on an illusion and is not capable of truly knowing anything, it is a simulacrum of knowledge.
True knowledge is what Master Lanto and other Masters call «gnosis». Gnosis is a way of knowing something by being «one» with this something, when we don’t use the linear mind in a subject/ object relation, that puts what is «known» at a distance, but become one with what we want to know, when we experience something through the one mind of Christ (by intuition of our spiritual identity).
The Illumination Flame
Master Lanto is the keeper of the Illumination flame for Earth. But this concept of «illumination» needs to be understood in a different way than the traditional.
In the age of Pisces, mystics believed that “enlightenment” was an ultimate state, in which an individual being achieved global perfection, arriving at an ultimate state of being. A self was perfected up until «illumination». And those who achieved this were seen as special beings.
This concept of «illumination was, in fact, created by the fallen consciousness, that didn’t want to let go the mortal self, believing that this one could be perfected until it deserves the immortal state of being.
But Master Jesus was clear when he said «only the man that came from Heaven can ascend to Heaven» (that is, the conscious you); the self, developed on Earth, no matter how educated and «perfected», must die. Anyone can develop a strong individual self but it will not reach Heaven, the mortal identity will not ascend.
Master Lanto states that the Flame of Illumination does not symbolize a final state, but, on the contrary, «illumination» is the recognition that, in reality, there is nothing static. There is always transcendence, to become more, nothing is ultimate, neither on Earth nor in the spiritual realm.
Those who are trapped in the separate mind use the linear mind to argue against this, but they cannot bear to be in the presence of the Illumination flame, says Master Lanto.
This flame, as Master Lanto tells us, is present in the sacred chamber of the heart chakra, being part of the three-fold flame. To experience this flame, it is necessary that we become closer to the Christ mind, the one mind in ourselves, the I am Presence.
We need to become one with our I am Presence, to experience the illumination flame, because this flame is only manifest on us after we begin transcending the separate mind of the ego and its linear processes of arguing, judging, analyzing, etc. It only manifests on us when we can «know» through gnosis.
The mortal Identity Can’t Discern what is True
The 2nd ray has to do with the open minded attitude that accepts no absolute truth but is aware that we can have many perspectives that can be true, where «truth» is always what helps us to be more and to transcend ourselves, is what elevates all life.
But, when the conscious you accepted several illusions when it first descended and integrated with the physical body, (in the descent from the 144th level to the 48th level of consciousness), the human identity created an illusory concept of reality and of what is true.
The conscious you, in the incarnation process, accepted a general role to play in the life it is going to live. This role is a filter through which he sees what he accepts as reality. And discards everything that disagrees with this concept of reality. It becomes blind to see beyond its illusions.
And is only when the process of «awakening» begins, especially after the initiations of the 96th level of the path, that it opens itself to the «flame of wisdom» or the Christ Mind, in a higher degree and only then, it begins to really question its beliefs.
All of this shows the importance of questioning our beliefs when we begin to «awake, like the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates has shown us, demonstrating true wisdom when he acknowledged that «being aware of our ignorance is the first degree of wisdom».
There is no ultimate truth, in first place because Earth is a «reality simulator», created for the purpose of helping spiritual beings incarnated in the world of form, to learn and grow in consciousness.
They incarnate with a limited sense of awareness but, as they grow to the point where they expand their awareness and awake level by level, from the illusions they accepted in the incarnation process, they return to the awareness of being spiritual beings and no mortal beings anymore.
They can, from the 96th level up to the 144th, transcend the illusions they have accepted, and all the illusions created by themselves and the collective consciousness in those levels. Each illusory level they transcend is a level of truth that they see, and a step closer to wisdom.
But we cannot say that, when they reach the level 144th of consciousness and transcend the last illusion (first in the incarnation process) they reach the “truth”. Because, after the ascension from Earth, and the conquest of an immortal identity, another phase of development awaits in the spiritual realm and, there too, a new “truth” and “wisdom” is awaiting in new levels of becoming more.
[1] Book dictated through the messenger Kim Michaels