Knowing the Seven Rays-2nd ray – Part 2

growth spiral

In this post I am going to write about some important characteristics of the 2nd ray , part 2. You can read more about the 2nd ray in my previous post.

The Christ Consciousness is the Keeper of Wisdom

Wisdom is to be aware that all life is one and separation is an illusion: is this awareness that, when we raise ourselves, we are raising the whole. It is also to know and experience ourselves as co-creators:

We don’t create in separation, but we create within the laws of God: we are in the Christ consciousness; therefore, we know those laws. It is what Master Jesus meant when he said, 2000 years ago: «I and my father are one».

When the Creator created, inserted a safety mechanism in all creation. That mechanism was the «Word« or Logos», that is, the Christ Consciousness. It is this mechanism that sustains all creation to not self-destruct, keeping balance, along with Love.

The Christ consciousness is the Word of God, used to create everything that is. And, as co-creators, we can only create in a sustainable way, when we create through the Christ Consciousness, within God’s Creation.

It is the Christ consciousness that ensures that, when we co-create, we are doing it for the benefit of the All and not for selfish intentions.

It is only when we open to the Christ consciousness that we really become co-creators.

Wisdom is to Transcend the Separate Identity of the Ego

We only become co-creators when we transcend the self that needs to be validated by any «authorities» and rules defined on Earth. The mortal identity is born on Earth and aspires to become immortal.

This desire, accompanied by a feeling of “lack”, of needing of approval and validation, is always present in this material identity and can never harmonize with the laws of God, because it was born within the separate mind.

This mortal identity is also driven by the desire to stand out, to show one’s ‘worthiness’, trying to prove one’s superiority over others and it is easy to recognize it in us and others.

How to transcend this mindset? As Master Lanto says [1] :« you need to walk away from all that the ego thinks it knows about the spiritual path and find some way to simply absorb your own higher being, a particular master or even something from nature. You need to have your mind switch its focus, so you now experience oneness with something beyond your separate self. »

Wisdom only begins when we are humble and have a true desire to learn, instead of trying to impose our opinions and what we conceive as «truths» that we think, with the outer mind, can’t be denied by anyone.

The humility of recognizing that «I don’t know», and to question our beliefs is required, to accept that there is not just «one truth» but several truths and none is absolute.

Wisdom is the recognition that all comparisons, judgements, evaluations of «us» and «others» are meaningless, we are all one in the one mind of the creator and the River of Life.

Wisdom is to Multiply Our Talents

When Master Jesus walked on Earth, 2000 years ago, he gave the parable of the «Talents». And, being the Living Christ, He is also the Logos that incarnated on Earth to demonstrate that nothing can be created in a sustainable form, outside of the Laws of God and the Christ Mind.

We have been created as sons and daughters of God, created with the same powers that allowed the Creator to create: imagination and free will. And these are our talents, and they should be multiplied by us.

How do we do this? We do this by opening ourselves to the Mind of Christ, to create through the Mind of Christ (and not through the separate mind of the ego), according to the Laws of God. When we are one with the Christ consciousness, we are always creating through the Laws of God.

This makes it clear that we will only be true co-creators when we develop our consciousness to overcome the illusions of the separate mind. The Christ mind gives us an intuitive knowledge of what is constructive to all life. It gives us the experience of being one with all life and the consciousness that,  if we do any harm to any part of life, we also harm ourselves.

Wisdom is not some partial knowledge about some specific subject, it is a comprehensive knowledge that refers to all of life. It is a knowledge that recognizes that we are all one and that, if we elevate ourselves, we elevate all of life with us.

Abundance Instead of Lack and Poverty

Humanity created its state of lack and poverty when chose the separate mind and the human identity, instead of the Christ mind that multiply our talents. The solution to a better life is to embrace again the wisdom of living within God’s Laws, because they give us the abundance instead of the suffering that humanity feels today.

Abundance, nevertheless, is not something that comes to us by some external or magical meanings: we are-co-creators and, for that fact, it is up to us to create our abundance, by putting ourselves in alignment with God’s Laws (and our divine plans).

We are co-creators; we don’t define what are the «laws» of creation. Being a co-creator is not becoming «as God», like the fallen beings intended, since a long time ago, with the results we see today on Earth: misery and suffering, unbalance, poverty, famine, cruelty among man and other parts of life.

This is the result produced by those beings, when they thought «we know better» than God, how the world should work. But they brought to life on Earth the misery we face today.

This is a good example of what we get, when we think that our ego’s judgment is more capable of bringing the abundant life to us then the «Word of God», the Christ consciousness.

The Bodhisattva Way and Wisdom

Wisdom is the experience of being one with all life.  And knowing, from within the Christ mind, that there is no absolute nor definitive «truth» that would tell the «final word» about anything.

Wisdom is the oneness with the River of Life and this is always transcending itself. So, how could it ever be a definitive «wisdom»? There isn’t. the 2nd ray is  also, for this reason, the mental opening to welcome new expressions of “truth” and “wisdom”.

But wisdom is not separate from Love, either. And it is when we see the connections between Wisdom and Love (and all other rays, for that matter), that we understand the bodhisattva way , exemplified by Master Gautama , Master Jesus, Master  Kuan yin, Master St Germain, and probably many  others that I don’t know.

All manifested the desire to stay with Earth, when they could ascend and leave Earth forever, for a time, for the love of mankind, of all life.

The 2nd ray represents this choice, because it is the ray of experiencing oneness with all life in what we call «Wisdom», oneness with the flame of wisdom. The rays act all together but I want, in this article, to highlight the connection between  the choice of  the bodhisattva way and the 2nd and 3rd rays – wisdom and love.

What takes a being that could choose to leave Earth forever, to stay longer and help his/her brothers of humankind, to elevate themselves?  Is it a sacrifice?

And I dare to say: «no», a sacrifice is something we condescend to  do for something or someone other than  ourselves; but the bodhisattva way, demonstrated to us by several masters , is given through  unconditional love and the experience that all life is one.

It is because we are connected to all life on this planet, and love life unconditionally, that the ones who choose this way want to stay more time, for a while, because, like Master Jesus said «and as I lift myself, I lift  all  life with me».

Love is what connects all life, with the Logos, the Christ Mind. And, I dare to say, within the immovable will. Altogether, they represent the union between father, mother and son of all creation, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rays that initiated all Creation and compound the three-fold flame , also present in all self-aware beings.

[1] Master Lanto in the book Healing Yourself by Clearing the chakras dictated through the messenger Kim Michaels, chapter of the 2nd ray, pg 88 (ebook format)

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