Flowers in pink light

Knowing the Seven Rays- 3rd Ray-Part 1

pink rose

In this post I am going to write about the 3rd ray, of Love, part 1.

In his book about the initiations of  the 3rd ray, as the Chohan of this ray, Master Paul the Venetian, is very  careful to explain that the energy of the 3rd ray – Love – is very different from what most  human beings understand to a large extent, about Love.

Human Love is not the Love of the 3rd Ray

We can say that a good number of human beings consider themselves experts in the subject of understanding and explaining what love is. But, as master Paul says, [1]«love either flows or it doesn’t flow» it is an experience, where there is nothing to be understood.

This explanation is important, in first place, because most human beings create an image- a conceptual image- of love, and that’s why they need to «understand» what love is. A good example is what some call the experience of «being in love» with a certain person they met.

In most cases what happens is that they create an image of that person, trying to make her/him correspond to their image of «what love is». In most cases, where physical attraction is involved, the other person conforms to the image of the partner but, when the physical passion dissipates, the person «in love» finds, in a great shock, that the «other» is not who she/he thought it was.

And says to the partner: « I don’t know you after all, you are not who I thought you were». And they split apart, often with some resentment because each of them do not forgive the other for not keeping the «image» they formed about him or her in the first encounter.

We can say that in many cases, what happens in the love relationships among  two persons is the creation of a fiction, in which each person fantasizes about the other, creating in the mind an image about him/her that  is in accordance with what they “wish the other to be” and not what the person is.

Therefore, it is no surprise that divorce and resentment are so common in so-called “loving” relationships between individuals. In fact, it’s about two strangers who never really knew each other and can’t forgive the other for their own illusion.

The Linear Mind is not Able to Experience Love

The linear mind never truly connects with what it tries to know, be it an object or a being – there is always a filter – an image, a concept – that interposes itself between consciousness and the being or object.

This also happens in human relationships: concepts about the relationship or the “other” as what they “should” or “should not” be, prevent the experience of a true encounter between those involved, who only “know” each other through the images, concepts and representations that they both project into each other.

In this way, the “relationship” is between images and concepts, there is no direct experience of the other.

Intimate Relationships are generally the privileged stage for what Master Paul the Venetian calls “power games” in which the relationship is seen as if it were an exchange between “should and should not”: I’ll give you this if you give me that, I will love you if you love me, with a bargaining chip in which no one can lose.

More than a being we want to offer the gift of Love, the partner is seen as the means of satisfying your own needs, where there must be «return»: the relationship is «an investment» and the involved expects a «fair return» for that investment.

The relationship is also a power connection where one assumes the controlling role, often subtly, but undoubtedly expecting to be obeyed:

One of the most common complaints between partners is “if you loved me, you would have done this or that” in a clear chantage for acceptance of submission to the other. And «retaliation» is also expected, when the submission does not materialize by the other.

What this all means is that the manifestation of these relationship- patterns always relate to the acceptance of conditions by both parties, as in any contract between the parts involved.

The problem here has to do with «conditions»: human love is all about conditions and is only named «love» but is far from being Love- it is in fact what Master Paul calls «anti-love».

The «anti-love» is produced by fear, fear of loss, of not having enough or having less than others. It is the separate self that feels this, not the true spiritual self. And feels this way because the decision to enter in separation from its source- The I am Presence- did «cut» the flow of Love coming from the Presence.

This generated the chronic sense of lack, and the effect of feeling envy and resentment towards those who are seen to «have more» and to be «happier», leading to the belief of « the right» to obtain by force what he/she wants from life, including the “love” of other beings, that he/she wants to appropriate, control and possess.

This fear is an illusion, an illusion produced by the self, fallen in separation, who now believes he is alone and separated from the rest of life . The separated mind does not see that the scarcity and deprivation it feels is due to its own illusion of separation that distances him/her  from its source (the I Am Presence).

When we are in the Christ mind, we know that our own spiritual being can co-create all the abundance that we need, without taking it from others. But the separate mortal identity can’t fathom this.

The Love of the 3rd Ray is Unconditional

Human beings are in the fallen state of consciousness (separate mind)  for a long time. For that fact, they don’t notice that thinking about the concept of something is not the same as the direct experience of something.

In relationships, most people fall in love with the “concept of love” but hardly experience love itself.

Experiencing the 3rd ray, says Master Paul, is to experience unconditionality. But it is impossible for the separate mind to grasp unconditionality. And this is the main reason why human love is almost always conditional, is like a trade bargain.

Unconditionality is beyond any conditions and is also beyond dualistic concepts: human love is seen as opposed to hatred and is thought to be the opposite of hate. «Hate» and «Love» are correlative and, therefore, one cannot exist without the other. Both are created by the separate mind and have nothing to do with the «reality» of Love, that has no opposite.

Unconditionality is an experience and is felt by the heart, not by the analytical and logical mind. Master Paul the Venetian calls it the «oneness with all life».  Unconditional Love balances all, and in creation, is what balances the forces of the «father» (expansion) and the« mother» (contraction).

Unconditionality is the base for creativity, love is the balance force in all Universe in connection with the Christ Mind. Love is a sense of unity with all life, without second intentions or bargain. in Master Paul’s words: is what helps human beings «to express themselves without judging, but simply for the pure love of expressing their creativity».

In simple words, Unconditional Love is free, is offered to all creatures of God, no matter any condition like the ones defined on earth of «deserving » or not «deserving». These definitions don’t come from God but from the fallen consciousness.

Love is not Ownership of anything

For most human beings, who have fallen in the separate consciousness since long ago, the experience of owning something- material things- and even persons- the ones that are object of our «love», is the  most common in what refers to «love».

All the time we see people talk about loving money, their house and material properties, their intimate relationships- they say «my» husband, wife, son, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.  People use the word «love» as synonyms of possessing something and the «loved one» if seen as an object belonging to them, like all other things they possess.

All this is an illusion, although it gives a temporary sense of security in the material world: when someone dies he can’t take anything with him, we depart from this material world in the same way we entered it: naked and without any privileges that can distinguish us from any other being.

The Love of the 3rd ray has no need to control or possess anything. It is a pure gift to life, without any specific intention or means to something else, it flows from the I am Presence and naturally expands to all life with which it feels one.

Love has no reasons, no intentions or special aims to attain. It is a flow that comes naturally with life, like breathing and transcending itself. It has, though, a creative drive, propelling us to be more and express ourselves with joy, harmony and beauty just for the joy and happiness of doing it.

Because Life is, in its essence, meant to be a joyful and creative experience to express our imagination and free will, the same qualities of the creator.

[1] Initiations of Mystic Love, dictated through the messenger Kim Michaels

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