sphere with internal river flowing

Knowing the Seven Rays- 3rd Ray- Part 2

Budha's meditation near a pink lotus

I continue, in this post, to  write about the qualities of the Third Ray. You can read more about this ray in my previous post.

The Experience of Unconditional Love is only Possible in the One Mind

In a recent conference, Elohim Cyclopea taught us that, in the descent of the Conscious you in the world of form, some selves were created in the identity, mental and emotional levels, whose function is to allow the light of the I am Presence to flow through these levels and express itself on the physical plane.

And  this Master also added that, the «light» flowing through the I am Presence  to the four material bodies, is what we experience as «Love», or «the River of life». It is this energy of Love, that is used by us, as co-creators.

So, there are selves, in the emotional body, which are not dualistic and have the purpose of helping us to be co-creators, using the «Light» of the I am presence, to co-create according to the parameters defined by the Elohim who created the planet Earth.

But the problem for most human beings living now on Earth, is that the flow of Love- the combined energy of the seven rays- coming from the I am Presence- is not flowing as it was intended  by the Creator, because human beings fell  in the separate mind and this  closed the Heart chakra to a large extent.

The Heart Chakra and the Flow of Love

The consequence of the closing of the Heart Chakra and its «secret chamber» is that most human beings, because they have the chakra almost completely closed, receive only a small portion of the love they were supposed to receive.

This does not happen because the creator denies unconditional love to all creatures, it happens due to the choices of human beings, who turned their backs on the creator and the Masters and decided to accept the illusion of being «separate beings».

This illusion (and the belief of being separate, along with the decision to accept that belief as an absolute truth)  is what  closed , with that choice, the heart chakra.

Therefore, it was not God nor the masters, but human beings themselves, that caused the interruption of the flow of Love coming from the Presence.

And, since this was a decision made by the human beings, and Freedom is the basic Law of all self-aware beings, what we freely create, only us can freely uncreate,  by confronting the belief we accepted before, see its limitations,  and  replace the previous decision by a better decision. Only then can we open again the heart chakra. The Creator doesn’t override our decisions.

But, as the Masters also often remark,  «we can’t solve a problem with the same consciousness that created the problem». And what this means is that, when we chose to turn our back to God and our I am Presence, and accepted a mortal identity as our «true» identity, we created a catch 22, a trap for ourselves.

And this is because unless we transcend the consciousness that took us to the illusion of accepting the separate mortal identity, and jump out of it, we will not be able to grow until we can open our heart chakra again to the flow of love of our Presence.

We need to transcend a good part of the «separate identity» of the mortal ego, to reconnect again to the natural flow coming from our I am Presence. We can ask for the help of our Masters, we can ask for help from the Masters so we can do this faster than we can do it just by ourselves.

Human Love and Unconditional Love

Many of us spend a long time trying to find «Love» through relationships in this world, with other human beings.

And after a very long time of repeating this pattern, eventually we understand that «human love», especially on a planet like Earth, where we find mainly the «perversions of Love» in most relationships- through control games, possession, etc., most of them based in the use of some kind of force, psychic or physical -is not what really we are longing for.

Eventually, we get tired of all these patterns that some call «love» and aspire to a higher expression of Love. It is true that some relationships on Earth can help us to achieve a higher love than love- relationships, like parent’s love, love for our pet, the forms of «altruistic love» that are rare on Earth but, nevertheless, are  still present.

The experiences of non-selfish love open the heart chakra. This can take many lives for some, less for others and, at a certain point, the heart chakra is sufficiently open to let a good amount of the love flowing from the I am Presence, in the secret chamber of the Heart, to flow in a more continuous way.

When this happens, we can say that a good part of our 4 material bodies is purified and we can, at that point, feel the contentment and joy that is not directed towards anything or anyone, it is expressing through us, we are its vehicle, to flow and expand in the physical plane, to all life.

It is also only then, that we begin to feel in peace in every circumstance of the external world, because we know that we are in the world of form, but we are not part of this world.

Like Master Paul the Venetian says in his book, Mystical Initiations of  Love[1]the only way to experience love continually is to let it flow through your chakras, your mind, your being, your words and your actions. Love wants to be expressed. It wants to flow. »

The conscious you, when it is pure awareness, is never affected by the external events of the world. And, if we identify with it, our spiritual and real identity, we can’t fail to experience Love and the peace that comes from Love.

But, to experience the peace coming from our spiritual identity, we need to step out of the mortal identity. That’s why only when we attain the levels of consciousness close to the 96th level, when we are already beginning to disidentify from our 4 material bodies, can we know, because we can experience it, unconditional love.

 Transcending the Idea that  We  Need to Deserve Love

People below the 48th level of consciousness, like Master Paul, the Chohan of the 3rd ray says, cannot receive unconditional love. People below the 48th level of consciousness can neither receive unconditional love nor express it.

And one reason for it is that they accept what Master Paul calls the «greatest perversion of love», the idea that it will only be possible to receive  God’s love, if they deserve it. And this is what most people on earth also believe it’s true.

This idea shows how it is impossible for the dualistic mind to accept «unconditionality»: unconditional love doesn’t need, as it is implicit in the designation, any condition whatsoever, to flow and to be given.

Unconditional Love is absolutely free, does not select the ones who will receive it  or «deserve it».  Unconditional love is given to all in the same way, like a rain shower falls into any open space or the light of the sun illuminates everything around in the same way.

Love is an Experience of Infinite Joy and Harmony of Our I am Presence

The experience of Love is the most fulfilling experience we can have: it illuminates us like a sun that fills us with its Light, in a feeling of union and sharing, with the joy of experiencing and creating something that is able to sustain life, as  wonderful as the sun, giving itself  to all  life, without care or fear, with the joy of experiencing, expressing  and being.

And this is possible because, when we have the experience of love, we are one with our I am Presence. In the words of Master Paul: « the greatest fulfillment of Love on Earth is to establish a relationship with our I am Presence».

No human relationship can ever give us this sense of complete fulfillment and joy, as the relationship with the I am Presence and its unique individuality from witch we are the omega aspect. Our I am presence is the Alfa aspect of our spiritual identity.

When both are one in the mind of Christ, we are a living expression of the Unconditional Love of God.

[1] Book dictated through the messenger Kim Michaels

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