budha purification meditation

Knowing the Seven Rays- 4Th Ray – Part 2

ballerina, balance

In this post I continue to write about the qualities of the 4th Ray- Part 2. You can read more about the 4th ray in my previous post.

Self- Mastery and Discipline

In this post I am going to write about the importance of Self- mastery in the initiations of the 4th ray. But it is necessary to shatter the image of discipline as it is seen by the separate mind.

Master Serapis says that tradition as seen him as a «disciplinarian» but, he says, «I am not a disciplinarian, I am a Master of Love». So, why is it that human beings, when they are facing Master Serapis, see him as a disciplinarian? The answer is «because they are looking to Master Serapis through the mortal separate mind, not from their spiritual identity».

It is the mind of the ego, of the mortal self that, using the linear mind that is the mind of the ego, contrasts the meaning of «purity» of the 4th ray, with the meaning of «impurity», seeing both as being correlative and opposite to each other.

And this mind judges, through the same linear mind, that the path to mastery of the self, consists of controlling and dominating the self until it is perfected. However, the self in question here is the mortal self and, as we know, although this self can be perfected, is not the true self (the conscious you), and the only one that can become immortal.

Thus, the effort of the mortal self to purify itself is irrelevant to the true path of self-mastery  of  the 4th ray. What needs to be done then is that the true identity of each human being, the “conscious you”, ceases to identify with the mortal self, born in the world of form, and its mind that divides, and begins to see reality through the Christ mind.

It is only then, that real self-mastery can begin.

The Discipline needed to Self- Mastery is is not the “discipline” that the mortal self sees as control, punishment or chastisement, which forces each person to remain within certain limits.

And  we can say that this applies to both the 1st and 4th rays: the discipline required in these rays is the discipline needed  to stay  consciously focused on the decision to free ourselves from the illusions of the mortal self and to remain connected with our true identity.

When the conscious you is open to the reality of being a spiritual being and not a mortal being, there is no need to be forced to obey to any rules because all the choices it makes are one with the Love coming from the I Am Presence and its mind is connected to is the Christ Mind.

Only the Christ mind can attain self-mastery. Therefore, only when the conscious you is aware of its true identity, can  truly begin the path to self-mastery. If it is identified with the mortal self, the ego,  the self-mastery does not begin, all there is  is an illusion of “self-improvement” which is not spiritual progress.

What Is Needed to Begin the Path of Self-Mastery

For a long time, human beings have been in duality and identified with the mortal identity, born in the world of form. When they begin the upward movement of the spiritual path, from the 48th level of consciousness to higher levels, at certain point  they will have glimpses of the conscious you, disidentifying from the moral identity.

That’s when a human being can experience the Christ mind,  not all the time, but sometimes.

And the more it grows in conscience, when it approaches the 96th level of consciousness, the experience of the Christ mind becomes  more frequent until it connects more deeply  and consciously, with the I Am Presence.

However, this can be a long process, lasting many earthly lives and, in this large period of time, it is necessary to acquire mastery in the first 3 rays: it is necessary to have discipline and power of will, because we still have  the mortal identity making pressure on us, and trying to make us perfect the mortal identity, instead of letting it die, little by little, and  self by self.

At these earlier stages of the path we don’t recognize easily when  the mortal self is taking control of our minds,  and of our lives; it takes a considerable amount of time for us to  learn to recognize when our mind is connected with the one mind of Christ and when it is being dominated by  the mortal ego’s selves or receiving projections sent by the forces of this world.

Only in the most advanced stages of the path, beyond the 96th level of consciousness, can we begin to not be mistaken by the serpentine logic of the fallen beings, that have as their main objective to prevent us from being successful in transcending all the illusions we previously assumed when living on Earth.

The pressure they put on us is very strong and, in order to succeed, we need the firm determination of the 1rst ray, to keep ourselves in the path of life, not letting any interference from the outside to stand in our way- to return to our source of being, our I am Presence and get ready for ascension.

We will also need discipline – not to be confused with control, that prevents the manifestation of some type of behavior – but which is the application of the power of  will of the 1st ray, in association with the wisdom of the mind of Christ, which helps us to see beyond of the dualistic mind, what our true goals are,  for being incarnated in a physical body, and what is needed to return to our true spiritual identity from which we came.

We must also experience the unconditional love coming through our I am Presence, to be aware of these goals and of our true identity.

As our teachers remind us, from time to time, we need to love our I am Presence, our teachers, our divine plan, more, than we love the mortal self and the things of this world.

In this way, it is clear that “discipline”  just by itself is not enough for us to grow spiritually, “discipline” is always led by Love , not by any need  to exercise control.

When we see this, we know that this goals can only be achieved when we purify our beings from all the illusions, beliefs and attachments that still magnetize us to Earth and the material things on Earth.

That’s when we are ready for the deeper experiences of the initiations of the 4th ray that culminate in the last act of ascension, through which we will leave the material world not to come back. Before this last initiation, of course, we will have several intermediate initiations on the 4th ray.

Until this is possible, we need some help not to forget who we really are and where we want to go, to fulfill our divine plans.

We won’t be able to accomplish this without the discipline and power of will that keep us focused on what we need to do until that final moment, when we will not have to deal with the duality consciousness of the mortal self anymore, because it will die, just before we ascend.

But, until then, we will have selves of mortal identity, projections from the dark forces trying to make us stumble in the traps they constantly lay out for us to fall into, and all the impurities stored in our mortal bodies.

And, in order not to fail our aims, we will have to be alert, continually, seeking unity with the Christ mind,  and our divine Presence, which helps us not to be deceived by shadow games while remaining at peace, no matter what comes from the outside world.

So, the truth is, that it is not Master Serapis that is a «disciplinarian» to us, this feeling comes from some self of the mortal identity that feels threatened by our real spiritual being.

It is us, our own  spiritual beings, that know and apply  discipline, to help us keep on track and not divert following a mirage that takes us to no wonderland but only to a world of suffering, that is the only one crated by the separate mortal mind.

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