rose flower with yellow

Knowing the Seven Rays- 4th Ray- Part 3

Infinite symbol

In this post I am continuing to explain some qualities of the 4th ray and more specifically, the meaning of the self- mastery process, from the teachings of Master Serapis Bey [1].

The challenges of the  Self-Mastery Process on Earth

Everything is made of energy in this world, and the same goes with our mortal  self.  I already described the process of  incarnation, where the spiritual  omega identity accepts a material sense of self , to integrate with the 4 material bodies and initiates the process of growing in awareness in the schoolroom of Earth.

The purpose of incarnation is to become more, to transcend itself and co-create new individualized beings, with the same potential of the creator. After a long time of experimenting with the mortal consciousness, we eventually grow until we become aware that we are more than mortal beings, we are spiritual beings.

When the awakening process reaches a decisive point, close to the 96th level, this is where the 4th Ray’s initiations become more decisive and it is at this point that each one can «decide to accelerate their sense of identity» or, on the contrary, retreat and decide to “slow down their sense of self.”

But this is where we need to understand something fundamental: the sense of self that we have created so far, cannot be accelerated: we must let it die, taking a quantum leap in which we completely leave the previous sense of self and embrace a new sense of self.

What this means is that we must let the sense of self that the conscious you accepted when descended for the incarnation process, a long time ago, die. And this does not occur in one night.

Not just because we lived a long time with that sense of self, and it’s general view  of life  in the innumerable lives in the world of form, but because, a long time ago too, we entered in the separate mind, created by the fallen beings and accepted by human beings living on planet Earth, when those beings were allowed to incarnate on the planet.

And this added complexity to the process, as not only is it necessary to free oneself from the illusions created by the Elohim from the 144th level up to the 48th level, in order to incarnate, but, as I described in another article, it is also necessary to transcend the illusions that were added by the fallen consciousness in each of these levels of consciousness and others, created from the 47th to the 1st degree of consciousness.

Because of these complex  challenges , human beings on Earth must apply themselves more then others living on «natural planets», that is, planets not changed by the fallen consciousness, when they follow the spiritual path.

Seen from the «bright side» ,that also can develop more complex senses of identity when they succeed to elevate themselves from the separate mind.

The Choice to Accelerate or Decelerate the Sense of Self

Master Serapis is imperative, to be ready to ascend from planet Earth, there are two fundamental things that you need to do: the first thing is to cleanse the 4 material bodies; the second is to accelerate the sense of self.

And, as I said earlier, to accelerate the sense of self is not to refine an existent self: is to let it die and transcend completely that sense of self. When this happens, a new sense of self is born.

And this is necessary because the self we are letting to die is a self from the dualistic mind and the new self  is from our spiritual mind. They have nothing to do with each other.

Master Serapis says something very important about the  nature of the sense of self: «This sense of self is not made of energy(…) when we accept a sense of self based on the dualistic mind and the sense of separation, this self cannot be accelerated»[2]

In other words, we can accelerate a lower energy to a higher energy because they only differ in vibration frequency. But the sense of self born from the dualistic separate mind is born from a decision to go against the laws of Creation and create an alternative reality (born from illusion).

Behind the energy there is a belief about ourselves and the world. This belief entered our energy field from a decision we made to accept it. Thus, we have to discover what decision we made when we accepted this belief, see the limitations it implies, and consciously replace that decision with another. Only in this way can we purify our sense of self

Until we look at ourselves to see the decision that gave rise to the sense of self we want to change, the sense of self cannot change.

According to the Laws of God, all decisions coming from the use of freedom must be uncreated by the ones who made them, at least until the time that is cosmically granted to all who use their freedom to choose to go against the laws of creation, comes to an end.

«The sense of self » implies a choice on how to use the energy coming from the spiritual realm: we can use it to elevate ourselves and all life- when we accept our spiritual identity  that works with the Christ mind;

Or we choose to use the energy coming from the spiritual realm to elevate us against all life and the laws of the creator- when we decide to accept the separate mind and its illusory belief that «we know better then God and the Masters who represent God in our world».

The sense of self we accept depends on a fundamental choice, as we approach the 96th level of consciousness: either we let the sense of self developed so far die, or we choose to maintain that self.

There is no continuity between these two senses of self. If we decide to keep the self we have developed until now, our growth stops there, that self can no longer take us further and we fail the 2nd challenge of Christ.

If we accept to let that self die, and pass the 2nd challenge of Christ’s initiation, then we must let the remnant selves die, one by one, until the 144th level of consciousness. Every time we let one self die, and a new one is born, we attain a higher state of Christ consciousness.

Mastery of Mind Over Matter Must be One with Mastery of Self

Master Serapis is clear, he says «As you approach the 96th level, you will achieve the mastery over matter». This mastery must be attained «in total synchronicity with the self-mastery».

And why is that? It is here where we understand a little better the role of the 4th ray as the «nexus» between the first 3 rays and the last 3 rays: at this point, we can, «accelerate» or «decelerate» ourselves, and why?

Like I said above, the 96th level of consciousness shows  a being that has accomplished significant development and aggregated to itself a good level of light, coming from the I am Presence. But is he going to use that light to obtain external riches or privileges, or is he going to use the light to connect to all life and recognize that he is part of the All of Creation?

At this point of the path, we can only grow when we begin to demagnetize everything that attracts us to the material world, including the sense of self of the mortal identity, the ego.

But we  can do this only if we, at the same time that acquire mastery over matter, also acquire mastery of self, changing our sense of identity to our true self, the divine Presence from which we are the omega aspect.

[1]  In the Book Mystic Initiations of Intention dictated trough de messenger kim Michaels

[2] Id., ibid,

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