Knowing the Seven Rays- 5th Ray, Co-Creation
In this post I am writing about the qualities of the 5th ray and, more specifically, about the difference of co-creating through Love or co-creating through Force.
Co-Creating Trough Force or Through Love
The 5th ray is the ray of co-creation and not the ray of «creation», because this would imply that we can create new rules and laws for what can be created on Earth. The creators are the Elohim; human beings are co-creators, meaning, they create within the existent rules and laws defined by God.
When human beings create within the pre-existent laws, what they co-create is sustainable; when they create outside of God’s laws, what they co-create is subject to the contracting force of the mother, known in science as the 2nd law of thermodynamics, and what they co-create will self-destruct after some time.
The difference in how we co-create explains why so many people on earth feel that the Universe doesn’t give them what they think they need and why they think they must force the Universe to give them what they want.
The human mind has a built-in ability to co-create and, for that reason, many people are not aware of the images they continuously send to the Universe.
With the power of our thoughts, we impose a mental image upon the light that, as the Masters have explained to us, flows from our I am Presence, and is successively lowered ,first to our etheric or identity body , second to our mental body where an image is imposed in the mater-light,,through the 3rd eye chakra;
Then it is lowered to the emotional body where our emotions set the image in motion and give it direction, until finally it manifests in the physical frequency of Earth.
Of course that this process gets many interferences, as I will write in a next post, but, as Mother Mary says in the book series of her Course on Abundance[1]«there are two ways [to get mastery over matter](…) there is a low road and a high road».
And these 2 «roads» to co-create are what we call co-creating through force (the low road) or co-creating through Love (the high road).
Human beings are co-creators and what is expected is that they create within the parameters defined by the creators of the universe in which we live, the Elohim. We can’t change the laws defined by God about how the World functions. But we can co-create within them.
The Process of co-creation
The process of human co-creation is like the process followed by the Elohim: we create an image, of what we want to create and project it into the mater-light.
But it is important to make a distinction here: when the “conscious you” identifies with the self of the mortal identity- the separate mind- and focuses its attention on the 4 material bodies, it does not create according to the parameters defined by the Elohim.
Like Master Hilarion tells us, «the vision has 2 aspects, an alpha and an omega» [2]. The alpha aspect is the «father», corresponding to the I am Presence in us.
The alpha aspect is the divine creator in us, and we must be one with it, to create through the Christ mind, like Master Jesus did, when walked the Earth and expressed in the phrase «I and my father are one». The «father in us» is the I am Presenceand when we are one with the Presence, we create through Love.
The «mother» aspect of vision are the 4 material bodies that we use to co-create matrices, and corresponds to the conscious you; the «mother» creates a concentration of energy in the 4 material bodies, when we create the matrices that will give shape to the light that we project through them.
The matrices we create capture light giving it a temporary form in the physical world. In this way, the “father” expands the light, the “mother” fixes that light in each form allowing it to manifest in the material world.
In many people, this process is not conscious, and in these people, the conscious you is totally focused on the 4 material bodies, identifying with the mortal identity, therefore is not able to produce a higher vision: they co-create using force to direct the light to what they want, namely, to what the mortal identity wants for itself.
Others , like the fallen beings, use the light available on the matter realm, to also force it to adjust to their aims, doing this by stealing the light available in the matter realm, manipulating human beings that receive light from their I am Presence, to give them their light and the result is that they are convinced that there is only one way to co-create what they want in their lives: for some to have «more», others need to have less.
They spread the idea in the collective consciousness that planet Earth does not have enough resources for everyone and, therefore, it is necessary to take from some, so that others can have what they want, by force, to obtain advantages for themselves.
This belief reinforces the idea that every human being is separate from others and that, in order to survive and ensure that he gets what he wants in life, he needs to compete and take from others, using the weapons available. This is the vision of life as a «struggle» and it is also the vision of the fallen beings about life.
This also shows that most human beings believe that, to improve their living conditions, the only option to do it, is to change external circumstances, using force.
And this is an illusion created by the “separate identity”. This «identity» is in itself, another illusion that masks the real identity of each of us, through which we know that we are, in fact, spiritual beings and that the only path capable of truly changing our external circumstances, is to change our consciousness.
That’s why it is so important to become aware of all processes of vision, if we want to attract better circumstances for our lives and for all life.
In this way, the more we purify the 4 material bodies and are aware of our spiritual identity – in which the conscious you is aligned with the I am Presence and is on the command of the 4 material bodies- the alpha and omega united- the more we will be able to use a higher power of vision.
This power of vision results from the light that the I am Presence constantly sends into our energy field , generating the consciousness of abundance in us, the feeling of being complete , whole and, therefore, being filled with Peace and the continuous stream of love coming from the Presence.
This improves our lives and, at the same time, brings more light available for all life on the planet, because the light flows through us into the world of form, doesn’t stop in us.
This is the true abundance, that the masters refer to, when they talk about the «consciousness of abundance» of the Christ mind, contrasting with the «consciousness of lack» of the separate mortal mind.
Co-Creating Through Love
Every human being is a spiritual being and not just a mortal being, the fruit of physical evolution on Earth.
In Earth’s history, at some point, human beings chose the separate mind and forgot their real identity. However, when they begin the «awakening process» and choose the spiritual path, they gradually strengthen the connection with their spiritual identity, the I am Presence.
The I am Presence is «the father in us» that shares its kingdom with us, if we connect to it . It sends continually the light we need to survive but it does much more than that: when we open our heart chakra and allow the stream of the light to flow through our material bodies, this light- the River of life- changes our identity and makes more energy available for us to co-create and brings more light to the world of form..
The light flowing through our purified heart chakra is what we begin to feel as «Love», the pure divine love that fills us completely and gives us the feeling of wholeness.
When we feel this love coming from the Presence, we no longer want to «have» more, taking it from others, we feel one with all life and, when we co-create, we don’t have selfish or egotistic purposes, we are co-creating better circumstances for our lives and for all the life around us.
The light streaming from our I am Presence is not something we can own in an individualistic way, it is a «universal light», pouring over all life.
Although some can try to use it egotistically- like the fallen beings did and try to do- this will create heavy karmic circumstances when the return of the cosmic mirror cycles and manifests in their lives at some point of the future.
But what I want to remark about this is that , when you have purity of intentions, what you co-create using the light coming from the Presence is, really, like Mother Mary says, in her first volume of Course on Abundance[3] the «holy grail» in ourselves, we co-create simultaneously the best circumstances for our lives and for all life on the planet.
And this is the co-creation of Love. It is in this abundance provided by the «mother« aspect of co-creation- that assures positive effects for all life and does not create imbalance nor causes the mother’s ‘contraction’, leading to the destruction of what was created when the karmic return comes back, and gives us the effect of what we created.
Co-creating through Love keeps the expansion of the «father» and the contracting force of the «mother» in perfect balance and what is created is embodied in the development of the River of life, becoming permanent.
And it also gives us the feeling of being satisfied with what we have, stopping the need to have more and more that comes from the feeling of lack of the separate mind.
When we co-create through force, we try to make disappear the feeling of emptiness, with more and more things on Earth, but we will never be satisfied.
But, when we co-create through the Love of our I am Presence, the river of life flows through our material bodies and expands to the world of form, bringing more light to all life, and we feel complete, we feel whole.
This is the feeling that Master Jesus referred to, when he talked about how we «create our treasures in Heaven».
[1] Books dictated through the messenger Kim Michaels
[2] Master Hilarion book, Mystic Initiations of Vision, dictated through the messenger Kim Michaels
[3] Book dictated through the Messenger Kim Michaels