Knowing the Seven Rays- 6th Ray- Dealing with Karma-1
In this post I am going to write about another aspect of the 6th Ray- Karma- and how we deal with it. You can read about the 6th ray and peace, in my previous post.
There are many misunderstandings about karma and how to compensate for it. But the most difficult to surpass is, perhaps, the belief that it is necessary to compensate for something we did in the past.
The Self that Needs to compensate
Master Nada, in her book The Mystic Initiations of Peace[1] says that the most important thing we need to achieve is «stop doing» on Earth. But this doesn’t mean that we are secluding ourselves in some cave, far from the world.
To «stop doing», we must jump out of the external self, the mortal self that continuously reacts to the world, and recognize our spiritual self, connected to our I am Presence.
The outer self, with its reactions to the outside world, can’t stop creating more karma, because it responds to whatever challenges or «provocations» coming from other people, within a frame of emotional responses, many times destructive or negative.
But the spiritual self, when it is connected to the I am Presence, is one with the Christ mind and becomes neutral in front of the world, it is in peace and do not react. And, therefore, it is not «doing», even when it acts into the world.
It is not «doing» because its actions are constructive, and always try to elevate the whole and not just itself. And, therefore, someone with a certain level of attainment in the Christ mind can be in this world without making karma.
This is possible to any of us, but it is not going to happen in one night. That’s because we also need to balance some karma.
Balancing Karma and Stopping making Karma
Balance of karma is possible without following a systematic spiritual path but it can take much time, to be attained. There are some «tools» to do it, one of the best known to spiritual people is the «violet flame»: giving invocations and decrees, to Master St. Germain, the keeper of the violet flame, is efficient.
But this only works within a framework of looking inside ourselves and gradually strive for seeing the multiple selves in our four material bodies, discarding one by one, like the Masters teach us to do, in the multiple books and conferences given through the messenger Kim Michaels. The «path of the seven veils», using the books of the Chohans of the seven rays, that I ‘ve been using in these articles about the qualities of the rays, are the most systematic way to clean karma and purify the material bodies.
I followed this path, and it worked fine for me. I found it when I was ready for it, and I know that I couldn’t make such a big progress in my spiritual journey, if I hadn’t follow it.
This path is aimed at taking us to the 96th level- because, from that level on, we are, so to speak, on our own. It means, after the 96th level, if we pass the 2nd challenge of Christ’s initiation , we begin to become more and more one with the Presence and neutral to the outside world and our path from there expresses the gift our Presence wants to bring to the world.
We come to a point when we see clearly that we are not our physical body, we are not our emotions (and emotional body); we are not the value judgments, the dualistic arguments of the linear mind, and we are not the mental body; we finally see, too , that we are not the sense of identity connected to the mortal self, and we are not the identity body.
That’s when we begin to be really free, and we sense the Peace that comes from the love, streaming through the I am Presence to envelop us and flow into the world of form. This flow, the «River of Life» is the combined flow of the seven rays, and we experience it as «Love».
The unconditional divine Love. When it flows through us, we can stay in the world but we do not belong to the world.
But what we do, is to be the channel of spiritual love flowing into the world of form. This love is the energy that creates abondance for all life. When we come to this point, we are not attached to what happens in the outside world.
We do not react, we just «look», and recognize that the world is a stage for humanity’s growth in awareness. And, of course, we also feel some sorrow when people choose to learn from the school of «hard knocks», that is, through the karma’s mechanism, instead of just choosing to change themselves by consciously transforming their consciousness.
But it is just for a moment, until we reconnect to our spiritual identity to remain neutral again.
The Need to compensate
Master Nada addresses, in her book, the mechanism that makes so many spiritual beings on Earth feel the need to compensate. This mechanism was a reaction to traumatic experiences that happened long ago, when Earth entered in the duality consciousness and the fallen beings were authorized to come here.
They persecuted all people they saw as a menace to their control of the planet and used severe trauma to make all people who began to manifest higher spiritual consciousness, to stop their growth and made them feel that «there was something wrong with them», that it was wrongfor them to be here on Earth, that they made a terrible mistake on Earth, that could never be erased.
This trauma passed from life to life, and even today these people have a compulsory need to compensate. When they find a spiritual path, they think they need to do several things on Earth, to «clean» the karma from past lives.
This is an illusion and can stop the real growth, spiritually speaking, because the person becomes attached to some rituals, some «things» that he or she must do (being it giving decrees and invocations, for many hours, perform certain «good actions», etc.,) in this world , to be free from karma.
Karma Cannot be Cleaned by Doing Things with the Outer Mind
Like Master Nada tells us in her book, «we need to stop doing». We need to look inside ourselves and change actively and consciously, our sense of identity and clean our 4 material bodies.
Changing our consciousness is the only way we can «clean our karma», because, what made us do «wrong things» in the past, was some self we identified with at the time, or created at the time.
If we let that self die, we will not experience the effect of karma or, at least, not experience it so severely we would, if , when the karma’ s energy returns,( after cycling through the 4 material planes), our consciousness did remain the same.
Karma is not a punishing energy, it is not intended to be a punishment, it is a neutral reaction, caused by some action we made in the past. When it returns, it will only descend to the physical plane, in most cases, when we keep the same consciousness that generated the original action.
We can even say that there is mercy on karma, because it doesn’t strike us immediately after we perform an action, it will give us time, by cycling through the four levels of the material universe, what can give one or more lifetimes before returning to us.
And, during that period, we are given the opportunity to change our consciousness, the consciousness that produced a certain negative effect. And, if we do, the karma can stay in one of the 3 material bodies and not manifest in the physical.
Therefore, the key to transcend karma, is the internal self-mastery, not the control of the ego, but the connection to our spiritual identity, that allows us to be one with the Christ mind and, in this way, to escape karma, even when we are still alive in a physical body.
[1] Dictated though the messenger kim Michaels