Knowing the Seven Rays- 6th Ray- Transcending Perfectionism

leaf and light

In this article I am writing about  qualities of the 6th ray, specifically about the need to transcend the mindset of «perfectionism». You can read about more qualities of the 6th ray in my previous posts.

The Compensating  Mechanism and Perfectionism

For a long time, it has been projected on Earth into the collective consciousness, that we must be “perfect” to be considered “good people”.  And being “perfect” means accepting and obeying, in practical life, the long-defined concepts of “good” and “evil”, “right” and “wrong” defined on Earth.

Moral systems, particularly hose resulting from religious traditions, especially those that focus on the Old Testament created, for millennia, in everyone, the idea that “we are sinners”, the human species is the result of an “original sin”.

And, therefore, it is very difficult to find someone who is not marked by the idea of ​​“having done something wrong”, which has “tainted” its original purity and, therefore, needs to “pay for it”, needs to compensate.

This occurred for many centuries and had a profound impact on the collective consciousness.

Even today, when people no longer have the same attachment to religion as they did in the past and are even open to concepts coming from outside of “Christianity”, such as the concept of karma, interpret this idea in a similar way to the past view of ‘sin’,as they continue to think that “karma” is  indicative of   the need to compensate.

Associated with the concepts of “good and evil”, “right and wrong”, accepted by so-called “Christian” morality, is the idea that some beings, like Jesus, for example, were born “out of sin” and, for that reason, they are special, they are “perfect” or “without blemish”.

And also think that, although we can aspire  to this «perfection« this is a goal that can never  be achieved, at least in earthly life, since we are “born in sin, in imperfection”.

The result is a contradiction in which, at the same time, we want to “be perfect” and, at the same time, we believe that this is impossible to achieve, since we are “imperfect by definition”. This leads many people, who genuinely want to follow a spiritual path, to end up finding themselves at a dead end and without hope.

Transcending  Perfectionism and  Accepting ourselves as we Are

The Masters who assist us in our  spiritual growth, seek to help us overcome the contradictions of the collective consciousness, so that we can transcend the unconscious mechanisms that block our spiritual progress.

And, as far as the 6th ray is concerned, Master Nada, Chohan of this ray, helps us to go beyond the beliefs of the collective consciousness and reach a deeper understanding of what is at stake in the idea of ​​“perfectionism”.

In her book, the mystic Initiations of Peace[1] help us to understand the compensatory mechanism that leads many students of the spiritual path to think that they need, above all, to “compensate for karma”, that is, to “pay” for something wrong they did in the past.

And, without denying that, effectively, we have to balance the karma that we have accumulated up to the level of consciousness in which we find ourselves now,(and not all the karma that we have done throughout the many lives we have lived) She also tells us that,  when we focus on the idea of ​​compensating karma, this will not our spiritual progress.

She teaches us that we must raise our consciousness, instead, to the level above the one we find ourselves in.

To fully understand why, you need to remember what the Masters say about the 144 levels of consciousness possible on Earth and how  we assume, in the incarnation process, the illusions from the 144th to the 48th level.

We also need to remember what the Masters say about the unreality of any absolute patterns defined on Earth and the image of a punishing God, angry when we do not behave in accordance with rules that were never defined by God, but were created on Earth and projected continuously  into the collective consciousness, this false image of God, needs to be transcended.

The Process of Judging Ourselves

We are extensions of the being of God and were created through God’s Love. God’s love is unconditional. We were created as free beings, with imagination and co-creative abilities in the image of God.

When we judge ourselves according to the definitions and standards accepted on Earth of good and evil, right and wrong, we are not in the consciousness of accepting ourselves as spiritual beings endowed with a divine nature, we are in a state of consciousness created on Earth, from concepts defined on Earth.

This state of consciousness is illusory, corresponding to the mortal self and its linear mind, which was led, by experiences on Earth, to see itself as a sinful and imperfect being.

It is this illusory self that thinks it must incessantly compensate for past karma, acting compulsively, as seen in some spiritual students, who force themselves to carry out certain tasks or rituals for hours, as a method for ‘clearing karma.’

Transcending the Need for Perfection

This mentality needs to be overcome, and the only way  to do it is to open ourselves to the Christ consciousness, present in each of the 144 possible levels of consciousness on this planet. There are degrees of Christhood, and in every level of consciousness we can be, there is also a corresponding level of Christhood.

It is these degrees of Christhood that allow us to see the illusion in each of the levels of consciousness, jump out of it, and let the self of that level die, and another sense of self be born.

And, at every level of consciousness, we have a certain way of seeing the world. There is no «right and wrong, at every level we are what we are meant to be. In Master Nada’s words: What is Christhood? It’s challenging the illusion at each of the 144 levels of consciousness»

So, what is required from each of us is that we don’t seat comfortably in the level we are but strive for more, to transcend that level and do it, level by level, until we reach the 144th and transcend this last level too.

So, there is nothing we should feel guilty about, as if we had to suffer eternal punishment. If we have done something destructive in the past, what we must do is see the sense of identity we had at the time, recognize that we transcended that sense of identity, see the self and the belief behind the self that led us to carry out that action, and simply let that self, die, because our sense of identity has changed.

Today we would not do what we did before. God is not a vindictive being, so why would we have to be punished for ever for something that we are not anymore?

God is forgiveness. And so are we, when we are at a higher level of Christ consciousness. So, we also need to forgive ourselves and transcend completely the self that feels it must compensate for something wrong it did in the past.

Perfection is a myth created on Earth; it is not something created by God. The idea of «perfection» implies a static pattern, something absolute. But nothing stands still in the Universe, everything is moving, including God and all processes of life. So, how could ever be anything that could be «perfection» as something immutable?

Master Nada firmly states: «there is no state of perfection that is possible on Earth(…) »[2]

And I finish this post with the invitation of Master Nada: dare to accept that you are capable of manifesting Christ consciousness, here and now, at the level of consciousness in which you find ourself, and abandon the myth of perfectionism that keeps you trapped and prevents you  from growing and see your spiritual identity.

[1]  The Mystic Initiations of Peace, book dictated through the messenger Kim Michaels

[2] Id. ibid

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