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The Golden Age is Manifest on Earth Now

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In this post I am writing about the Golden Age and clarify why  it is manifest on Earth now.

Many spiritual students are familiar with the concept of the Golden Age, promoted by Master St. Germain (and all our Masters) and connected with the Age of Aquarius in the next 2000 years. Master St Germain has addressed this many times, both in conferences through the messenger Kim Michaels, and in several books[1].

But, until now, most of us have been projected this «Age of Gold» to an indefinite future, since this age is associated with a considerable improvement in all areas of life on the planet and many of us have been focused in seeing the «evils»  that are tormenting Earth now, like war,  famine and poverty, disease, etc.

Also, our outer selves are used to conform with the limitations of the external world, being it wars, financial poverty or turbulence -inflation and poverty, pollution and so many other problems that human life, and all-natural life is still experimenting on Earth, and we have been accepting that we are powerless to change this.

However, we also know that external and material phenomena, all material phenomena, result from choices and projections of states of consciousness of the  collective  and individual consciousness- the «external world» is the expression, in the physical world, of the images superimposed upon the «mater light» by the beings living on Earth.

And, when we are aware of this, we also understand how important it is to change the images that we are projecting into the «mater light » – if we want a different result in the physical reality of our world, we must stop projecting images of suffering, scarcity, war, poverty, etc.

We all know that the «Golden Age» will not manifest in one night- it will take centuries to implement it in a more substantial way. But if we postpone its beginning  into an indefinite future because, right  now, the world seems to be so different from what we envision for the Golden Age, we are condemning ourselves  to deny the possibility of the Golden Age  coming to reality  now  and  the acceptance that, in fact,  it already started to manifest.

And why am I saying that it already started to manifest?

Well, everything, before manifesting in the physical plane, begins with consciousness, in the mind of – in this case- the Masters first, and from the Masters, it comes to us, human inhabitants of Earth, to envision it ourselves.

And we have been doing it for years, guided by the Masters, we have been giving invocations, projecting images of how our lives will be different in the Golden Age, we have, many of us, transcended our consciousness- at least partially- of lack and poverty.

We also have been recognizing the possibility to change our lives in the matter world, by transforming our consciousness and accept that we are co-creators with God, we   believe that we can co-create a better world to live.

Many of us are ready to manifest some characteristics of the Golden Age. Because this one will not come at once, it will gradually manifest, for decades and centuries and we must begin with some things first.

And the first thing here, as usual, before something can manifest in the physical, is conscience. There is already a sufficient number of people with the level of consciousness needed to manifest the Golden Age in its first stages.

And that’s why the Golden Age is here now, on Earth, ready to develop and help to change the world, and the conditions we are living in.

Everything begins with consciousness, and many are already in the point of knowing themselves as spiritual beings that are more then their physical body and the emotional, mental and mortal identities, created in the world of form.

These are the pioneers of the Golden Age, bringing an opening of opportunities and new possibilities of being, demonstrating that it is possible to be incarnated in a dense planet like Earth and still keep the  awareness that we are spiritual beings.

It is possible to be conscious of the separate identity of the mortal and outer self and disidentify from it, acknowledging our true identity of the I am Presence; it is possible to transcend the consciousness of lack , by recognizing that, as co-creators, we can change our material conditions of living, and experiment the «abundant life».

This is possible when we are one with the Christ mind  and our Masters, that project the «immaculate concept» of our divine plan and let it manifest in our lives.

This is the moment where we see that the separate mind and its subordinate, the outer self, are the creators of all misery and suffering we have been accepting for so long, because they got disconnected from the source of our co-creative powers.

And, since at this moment, there is already a good number of human spiritual beings recognizing this, we can say without the shadow of a doubt that the Golden Age is here on Earth now, it has already began.

And its up to us, to give it momentum and continuity. Because we have the power, given by our Creator, to co-create with him, a better world to live: «It is the Father’s good pleasure to give us His kingdom». And, like Master Jesus said, so many times, «the kingdom of God is within us».

Let’s use it now, to manifest more and more of the Golden Age that it is also Master St Germain and all our Masters, indeed, to manifest, in our planet Earth.

[1] You can find those books in Kim Michaels’ sites.

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