The Interaction of 144 Levels of Consciousness- 1
In this post I am going to write about the interaction between the 144 levels of consciousness, part 1.
In the ideal growth of the spiritual path, we grow from the 48th level to the 96th and, at this level, we face an important initiation, the 2nd challenge of Christ. If we pass, we will abandon the sense of identity created by us from the 48th to the 96th level and, gradually, keep growing to the 144th level until we ascend.
But, on Earth, where Humanity fell in the separate identity a long time ago, things are more complex.
We know that, from the 48th to the 144th level, there is a self in every level, that we need to see and transcend, in the awakening phase. But, after the fall, there is also a false spirit, in each of those levels. These false spirits, at each of these levels, will try to prevent us to rise to the next level.
This happens because, at the identity level, after the fall, another self was created, of the separate identity.
The false spirit in every of these levels is focused in our individuality and its main concern is to convince us that we don’t need to grow more, we already have all that is needed in our present identity. This means that it is trying to keep us in our illusory mortal identity.
The beings who fell a long time ago created a separate identity and see themselves in opposition to the identity created by God. This is an illusion, and a lie, because this separate identity can’t stand forever, and is a lie because is against life and the laws created by God to sustain life, therefore, is not sustainable .
In the design created by God, the descent of spirit in incarnation included only the levels from 144th to the 48th., These levels are not dualistic, like I wrote in another post.
But, after the fall, it was allowed, because of the fallen being’s choice, to create a dualistic identity and this is in accordance with the law of free will. We tend to consider the «fall» as a terrible mistake, but the truth is that this possibility was included in God’s design for the Creation from the beginning, because God created «free beings».
Like the Masters say to us, we count on our imagination and freedom to be co-creators, and the separate identity is one option among other possibilities. But we can’t stay forever in that state of «separation». And the most basic reason for that is that it is an illusion, separation is not real, the «substance» that makes the beings of all life forms, including the fallen beings, is still coming from God.
The 3 Series of Levels of Consciousness
with the choice of separation made by the fallen beings, wich dragged humankind, we see that the several levels of consciousness possible on Earth, are «divided» in 3 segments with 48 levels each, because it is necessary to accommodate the dualistic levels of the separate mind.
And, among them, there are 2 levels of consciousness that become hinge points in all levels of consciousness possible on Earth: the 96th and the 48th. Also, below the 48th, there are levels until the 1st level.
In this structure, the 48th and the 96th levels become transition points, that share some elements of the nature of the levels they are connecting with, that is, the 48 is the 1st level non dualistic but also share some characteristics of the 47th level, that is dualistic.
The 96th level is the turning point of the individual path that goes from mortal identity to return to spiritual identity and it is also the point through which it is possible to transcend mortal identity.
We see then that these 2 levels of consciousness are of utmost importance, becoming milestones that represent giant leaps in our path: the 96th to 97th when we change gradually our identity from humans identifying with a mortal individual self to spiritual identity that is individual but is one with all Life;
And the 48th to 47,th when we choose to descend from human beings connected to our spiritual identity to separate beings disconnected from their spiritual source.
The result is that, when we are in the path, on an unnatural planet like Earth, where we accepted the separate mind, the effort required to go from one level to another is greater and more difficult.
According to the Maha Chohan, we can divide the different levels of consciousness in 3 different baselines, each one with 48 levels:
From the 48th to the 96th, that is the natural path , where we see every non dualistic illusion, necessary to integrate the spirit with the human identity in the incarnation process, to grow in awareness in the world of form. And, because of the “fall,” on each of these levels there is also a false spirit, created by the separated mind.
And This is the path to gradually awaken in awareness of the true identity in the «awakening phase».
In these 48 levels, the conscious you jump out of each illusion accepted in the descent to incarnation and the false spirit, and recognizes its identity as an individual spiritual being, after experimenting with being a co-creator on Earth.
When this being is growing from the 48th level to the 96th, it also creates an individual self and, at the 96th level he must make the choice to let this self die, by gaining awareness of his true identity, seeing that he is not the mortal self, created in the world of form.
From 96th to the 144th levels, the mortal self, with the selves created to interact with the material bodies and the identity that was first created to experience the world of form, must be transcended and abandoned, and assume a new self, that sees itself as one with all life.
The Falen consciousness
After the creation of the separate identity, the lower levels of consciousness came out: from the 47th to the 1st level we find the most aggressive spirits, created in rebellion against the laws of God, and they see the creation as a flaw and an enemy of themselves.
These levels represent the greatest denial of the reality of God by the beings who fell. They are in the most extreme duality, having created the parameters of «good and evil», keeping the illusion that God is against them and they that they must battle continuously against some external enemy.
In their minds, they find themselves in the most extreme duality, having created the parameters of good and evil, right and wrong.
They are in the mindset that wants to force others to see their concept of truth and reality as absolute truths and are convinced that it is justifiable to kill and destroy in order to get what they want.
These levels are the perversion of the levels connected to oneness with all life, which is why the Maha Chohan says that there is a “mirror” effect between levels 96 to 144 and levels 48 to 1st.
The Spirits We must see and Transcend in Each Level
Given the scenario we find on Earth today , we not only have to see and transcend the illusion of the self we created in the descent of spirit when we are growing from the 48th to the 144th, but we also have to confront the false spirit of that level (from the 48th to the 144th) and the aggressive spirit correspondent to that level, below the 48th level of consciousness.
In short, at any level from the 48the level to the 144th we must recognize the specific «illusion» of that level, that hides some aspect of our true identity; we also face the false spirit of that level, coming from the separate mind, that says to us « you don’t need to grow beyond this level, and here is why …»[1]
This false spirit is focused on our individuality, that we have been growing until that point and directs all its action to our identity, to keep us in that point , trying to convince us that the level we are at, on the path, is enough, we don’t need to grow further.
At the same time, the corresponding spirit below the 48th level tries to draw us to some kind of epic battle against some sort of opponent. These spirits below the 48th level make us believe that we are in opposition with some kind of enemy, be it a person, a group of persons, an ideology, religion, political party, etc.
In these lower levels of consciousness, people don’t assume responsibility for themselves, and need to find a scapegoat to all of their problems, believing and thinking that all their miseries are caused by others and that, if they can destroy those others, their lives will become perfect. They are always drawing people to violent and destructive behaviours and correspond to the most selfish expressions of consciousness.
[1] Freedom From Internal Spirits, book dictated by the Maha Choan through Kim Michaels