
The Purpose of Human Life

painting- house in the fields

In this post I am going to write about the purpose of   human life, according to the spiritual point of view, and following the  Ascended Masters’s Teachings.

The Masters teach that, in the universe where we live, the material plane is an energy field with four levels, with different vibration frequencies: the lower in vibration is the physical, perceived by our senses, followed by the emotional plane[1], above this one there is the mental plane and, at the highest level, the Identity plane.

Everything in this universe has these 4 levels, including the human beings. I will specifically address the case of human beings.

Let me say first that we are more then these 4 levels, if we accept ourselves as spiritual beings: our Divine spark, the Conscious you or the «pure awareness» localised in the material plan, of the I Am Presence, is in this world of form but it is not part of it, it belongs to the spiritual realm.

I also notice, in a little note, that the «human stage» of life does not define our identity, because we are spiritual beings. I know, from my own experience, how weird this seems, since we have been identifying ourselves with our material identity for such a long time.

However, like Master St Germain said, in one conference through the messenger Kim Michaels, «when we are ready to ascend, we take nothing with us but the conscious you, our spiritual identity. None of the 4 levels of our human identity, come with us

Like I wrote in a recent post, «being a human being» is the first level of graduation in the spiritual path, and is also, I believe, the hardest and more challenging one, specially if we live on a planet where most human beings see themselves as «mortal beings», and separate beings.

And it is dramatic to finally leave all the illusions connected to the identity as human beings and ascend from the matter realm to initiate a new  level of spiritual growth now in the spiritual plane.

When we leave the mater realm, we don’t attain some ultimate state, we are at the very first level of spiritual life from where we can grow until the point of our Creator and more.  The spiritual growth does not have an ultimate state.

I also know how hard it is to grasp this and I  also felt difficult to accept it because, I believed , in  the  linear processes of the intellectual mind, that works within the categories of space and time, that didn’t seem to have any sense  to accumulate worlds after worlds without establishing a limit to a «final state», like the ancient mystics of Earth conceived and believed in ancient and modern times.

With the linear mind this really seems absurd, and this was what the first beings who fell, also thought, believing that God’s rules for creation were wrong and had flaws.

But, if they could have jumped out of their outer selves, created within the material universe where they lived, they would have understood that these arguments only make sense when we are thinking about material events that are structured to have forms and occupy space.

However, in the spiritual plane there are no space and time limitations, nor forms occupying space as we know theme, or time as we conceive it on Earth.

The spiritual plane is a plane of consciousness, and it is not limited by forms in space and time. So, no comparisons can be made and when we try to grasp the spiritual plane using our experiences on the mater realm of space and time, we can only fail.

Why did the Creator Create the World of Form

I don’t know, of course, all the answers to this, I only know what the masters tell us: Freedom is the most important law of the universe. But, like I wrote in another post, how could we have the experience of Freedom, if we didn’t have the opportunity to separate ourselves from the One Mind of God and to choose against God’s plane?

So, I stick to this very important finding: God creates worlds of form to allow his aware and free creatures the experience of separating from God’s reality and God’s Laws. We also know that God does not leave us abandoned in this experience, we have the Masters to guide us on this stage.

But Freedom allows that we can choose to go away from the Master and his guidance and that’s why planet Earth and other planets of this Universe, «fell».

The Masters told us that, when a being ascends, he or she chooses to not use Freedom to go against the laws of God anymore.

Spiritual beings are still free but would be very unlikely to go into separation from God, because graduation from the «human stage» is exactly the transcendence of the separate identity. Once we transcend this identity, we see ourselves as individuals yes, but not separated from the one life of God, the Alness.

The first stage of growth in the matter realm, is a very long period that takes a countless number of lifetimes as «human beings» identified with their material identities .

[1]  The Masters say that there is one exception to this, the lowest level of the emotional plane, also known as «astral plane» is actually lower than the physical plane.

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