When Freedom Chooses to Rebell Against the Creator’s Laws
In this post, I am introducing the Quality of the 7th ray, Freedom, and discuss if it is possible to deny freedom to the point of completely overcoming the identity given by the Creator and freedom itself.
We learned, from the Masters of Humanity, how some beings, in the remote past, used their freedom to separate themselves from the All of life, claiming that they wanted to create a world of their own, with laws and rules created by them.
These beings are known among spiritual students as ‘fallen beings’, who rebelled against the Creator and the laws of creation.
We also learned that they created the ‘separate mind‘, which gave rise to dualistic logic that struggles between extremes and cannot find points of connection between them.
We also learned that, with this original ‘fall’ into ‘separation’ ,a certain number of other beings followed these ‘rebels’, having continued to ‘fall’, some of them, for an immense period of time, from universe to universe, and are now , some of them, on planet Earth, both in the 3 higher material planes and incarnated in the physical.
And, since they came to Earth, they managed to lead most of its inhabitants to adopt this consciousness of separation, which, in many cases, has created what is defined on the planet as “evil”.
But a question now arises: are these beings, that, throughout Earth’s history, we have already seen are capable of enormous potential for destruction, cruelty and violence, are they definitively “lost” and with no possible return to the connection with the creator?
The answer is decidedly “no!” But to understand this, we must remember some important aspects about how freedom works.
Human Freedom Cannot Choose and Decide Everything it Wants
The Masters have been teaching that there is only one reality, created by the mind of Christ according to the laws decided by the Creator, the only one who has a sufficient level of consciousness to determine what is best for the whole of life.
However, the creator created self-conscious beings with imagination and freedom that allows them to be co-creators endowed with freedom, in the world of form. These created beings have a much more limited level of consciousness than that of the Creator.
That’s why they often make choices that are not the best for themselves or for the rest of other parts of life. But this is accepted as being part of the growth process, in which we learn from our mistakes.
We observe that most self-aware beings learn from their mistakes and transform their consciousness, as expected. But a limited number (compared to all created beings) chose to use their freedom to go against the laws of creation and this is allowed by the Creator.
But it is not allowed forever, only “for some time”, quite a long time, as can be seen by the successive fall of beings that “fell” a long time ago.
This ‘time’ is designed so that beings who ‘rebel’, can change their consciousness and realize that it was their inability to ‘see’ all the implications of their choices, when they chose against divine laws, that led them to thinking that they “knew better than the creator” how the world should work.
None of the beings created in each world “knows better than the Creator” how the world should work, because none of them have reached the level of consciousness of the Creator and there are many things that they “cannot see” and that are illusions, although they see them as absolute truths.
Many of these beings, however, do not see or accept this simple truth, blinded by their pride in relation to their own abilities. And the question is: are these beings condemned to be destroyed, for rebelling against the creator?
The “Fallen Beings Can Still Be Free
The Masters have mentioned many times that the Creator of this world is neither vengeful nor punitive.
All creation was generated from the creator’s own substance. It is the Creator’s being that is present in everything that exists. The first principle of creation is divine unconditional love.
But it is also true that, despite the Creator created individualized beings, they are not separated from the whole of life and this whole cannot be harmed by the choices of those who chose to separate themselves from that whole.
This is why there is a time – a long time – during which every self-conscious being can choose with whatever identity he/she wants, including the separate identity, but cannot do it forever.
When the universe is ready to take itself beyond the material plane, and the “time” of these beings t experiment with the separate identity has expired, they will have to make a final choice.
The Judgment of the «Second Death»
In the book My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus[1] we can read about the judgment carried out by the highest representatives of the Creator, of the being known on Earth as ‘Lucifer’. And we see that he was given the opportunity to choose between the definitive destruction of his being or restarting a new cycle of life, with the help of the masters, if he returned to oneness with the rest of life.
In other words, he had the opportunity to change his destiny, making what would happen to him dependent on his freedom. He didn’t want to live according to the laws of creation and preferred to die.
But what “died”, truly, was the history of his mortal personalities over the immense period of time that lasted his existence. Because the divine spark, which was, all along, linked to his being, returned to the I am Presence, of which it belonged, to Lucifer’s «father».
And this is important to mention, so that we understand it, that, in truth, there is never separation: this is an illusion created in the mind, to which there is no correspondent reality .
In the case of Lucifer, in the book it is said that the «conscious you», the localized consciousness of the divine presence in the world of form, was «reabsorbed» at the time of Lucifer’s death.
Therefore, even in a fallen being, the divine spark that was created before that being fell in the world of form, is never separated from that being, as long as it remains alive.
Because, while this happens, he has the possibility of going back and returning to the path from which he mentally separated himself. But we must clarify here who is the self that can do this. It is not the separate self, developed long ago, the mortal self, but is only the conscious you, that can do this.
It is the conscious you that is free, not the separate self that these beings created on the world of form. The conscious you has the power of, at any time, jumping out of that separate self and undo its previous choice to be identified with the separate self. The conscious you is, like the Masters have told us, many times, the individualized Christ consciousness in each of self-aware being.
This is what explains the existence of “levels of Christ consciousness, even in the lowest degrees of consciousness; From the 47th to the 1st degree of consciousness, there is a level of Christ consciousness that can help the being at that level to rise again and return to the ‘path of life’.
And it is also freedom, which the masters teach us is the most basic principle in the world of form, that allows this elevation.
Freedom is, moreover, complementary, as I mentioned in another article, to the unconditional love that is the basis of all creation.
[1] Novel dictated through the messenger Kim Michaels